Try out Unreal Engine 5 for yourself: All info on the fun Superman tech demo

Unreal Engine 5 Super Man!

Finally soar through the air like a bird and be the strongest man in the universe. This tech demo makes it possible! We tried it out for you.

We know more about the Unreal Engine 5 than we do about superheroes. We explain to you here what the newly released version has to offer in terms of new features and what that means for future games:

Today we have a special Easter treat for you: Instead of watching a dull trailer, you can now test the Unreal Engine 5 in the wild on your system.

A new tech demo allows you to fly through a big city as Superman and make your PC sweat. Find out if it’s fun and how to get the demo to work on your system in this guide.

What’s in the Superman tech demo

Who is responsible for it? The creator of the techdemo is called (Tyson Butler-Boschma) and is the founder of the developer studio Toybox Games, which is currently working on the action-adventure Primordials: Fireborn.

How did the project come about? Tyson claims to have created the demo out of purely private interest in what a superhero game in an open world based on Unreal Engine 5 might look like. So don’t expect extensive gameplay and also expect bugs: by his own admission, he didn’t put much time into his little gimmick.

What is the tech demo
based on? If the city in which Superman is up to his mischief looks familiar, there’s a simple reason for that: the map comes from the official Epic demo The Matrix Awakens!

This is how much fun we had with the tech demo

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you, but we’ll emphasise it straight away anyway: this tech demo is only an entertaining experience. After ten minutes, we’ve seen everything, tried everything and broken the sound barrier five times. In the meantime, however, we always had a grin on our faces, because the short flying lesson is always fun.

Above all, it makes us dream of a real Superman game. From the first second, it feels as if we are immediately given a quest and can start playing. At the latest since Insomniac’s Marvel’s Spider-Man, we know how exciting and atmospherically well-made open-world adventures with superheroes can be.

You can see a few impressions from our excursion into the tech demo in the gallery below, and there’s also a video at the end of the article.

How to install the techdemo on your system

If you want to get your own impression and get started as quickly as possible, that’s no problem. In just a few steps, the gimmick will land on your computer:

What are the system requirements? Unfortunately, quite high. As already mentioned, Tyson Butler-Boschma has not spent any time on optimisations, and of course the Unreal Engine 5 also has certain demands that want to be met. The following hardware is recommended:

  • 12-core processor with 3.4 GHz
  • 64 GB RAM
  • Geforce RTX 2080 / Radeon RX 6700 with 8 GB video memory

If your computer does not completely fulfil the requirements, this is not a problem. You can breathe a sigh of relief, especially when it comes to RAM. We played the demo with 16 GB RAM and therefore had to put up with heavy reloading jerks, especially at the beginning. After a few seconds, however, the performance improved considerably and then remained at a constantly bearable level.


How to get the tech demo working:

1). Download the (Techdemo) (direct link).
Attention: The download is quite large with (17,7 GByte).

2). Unpack the archive to a place of your choice.

3). A setup is not necessary. Simply start the demo by double-clicking on the file CitySample.exe.

4). After starting, you have the choice between a smaller map, which is especially suitable for weaker systems, and the complete map from The Matrix Awakens.

Have fun trying out the demo! If you are interested in which games are currently officially in development with the Unreal Engine 5, we recommend you take a look at our big overview.

The Unreal Engine 5 is here! Are we finally getting NextGen graphics in games?