TW Warhammer 3: Player declares war on all factions at once, earns millions of views


A YouTuber dares the experiment: Who wins when the Vampire Coast goes to war against all other factions?

A small crew of undead pirates against the rest of the world: No, this is not the leaked script for a new part of Pirates of the Caribbean, but the self-made challenge of a YouTuber in Total War: Warhammer 3.

With his video on the fearless campaign, The Grim Kleaper has inspired many fans. What’s the idea behind it – and can such a crazy campaign be successful at all?

Vampire Coast vs. All: The Experiment

The Faction: The undead pirates of the Vampire Coast are a faction that starts on the map in the middle of the sea. Their lore is quite sinister: the vampire Luthor has recruited a zombie crew from drowned sailors, now they are gathering new members for their cursed fleet. Part of the crew, part of the ship – Wait, wrong franchise.

The faction’s necromancy feature is perfect for this foolhardy campaign: the more enemies die, the more fighters the vampire coast can awaken for your side.

The Rules: The Grim Kleaper has committed to some rules to make the Challenge especially challenging.

  • He plays on the highest difficulty 
  • He must be at war with all factions and declare war on all of them as soon as he uncovers new ones.
  • He may only make peace offers to trap his opponents

It took The Grim Kleaper over an hour just to make all the war declarations – and shot up the user interface of TW Warhammer 3.

Okay, so much for the background, but how did the challenge go? If you have 35 minutes, you can watch the video here. Alternatively, you can read our summary below.

The Vampire Coast spends the first few turns raiding settlements in style. The war tactic is to put guns in the hands of thousands of zombie pirates and hope that enough of them hit the target – which works surprisingly well.

After many battles and word jokes, the Vampire Coast wins and conquers the entire Warhammer world thanks to their completely overpowered commander, Count Noctilus.

His video has collected 1.2 million views so far, many fans show their enthusiasm for The Grim Kleaper’s humorous manner and his remarkable success in the comments. He offers many more crazy videos on his channel on TW Warhammer 3, Crusader Kings 3, Hitman, Rimworld and so on.