Twitch Drops for Hogwarts Legacy: these 5 free in-game items are easy to miss!


You want to secure the Twitch Drops for Hogwarts Legacy? In this guide we explain what you need to do to do so and what free rewards await you.

Hogwarts Legacy is about to launch and Twitch is celebrating the release of the Harry Potter role-playing game. That”s why starting today, you can get up to five free rewards via Twitch Drop, and all you have to do is watch select livestreams. You can”t get these free items for Hogwarts Legacy anywhere else – we”ll give you all the info.

All the info on the Twitch Drops for Hogwarts Legacy

What free items can I get?

You can secure a total of five different rewards via the Hogwarts Legacy Twitch Drops. These are the following cosmetic items with which you can equip your wizard apprentice:

    • Dragon Eyeglasses with Silver Frames
    • Lane Hat
    • crimson lightning scarf
    • Lilac ensemble
    • Merlin”s Cloak

    From when to when are the Twitch Drops available?

    The Twitch Drops for Hogwarts Legacy are only available for a limited time. If you want to secure the free rewards, you should therefore not take too long.

    • Start of Twitch Drops: 7 February 2023
    • End of Twitch Drops: February 24, 2023

    But there is one important exception to note: Merlin”s cape is only available at two different times via a very specific stream. To do so, tune in to one of the following dates and watch (the official livestream of the Hogwarts Legacy Twitch channel) for at least 20 minutes:

    • On 7 February 2023 at 5pm German time.
    • On 10 February 2023 at 5 p.m. German time

    What do I have to do for the Twitch Drops?

    To get the free in-game rewards for Hogwarts Legacy, you first need to link your Warner Bros. account to your Twitch channel. Then you can watch (Hogwarts Legacy livestreams with Twitch drops enabled) so that you can secure free items for the role-playing game.

    This is how you secure the first four Hogwarts Legacy items

    • Create an account at Warner Bros. or log in with it
    • Link the Warner Bros. account with your Twitch account
    • Watch (Hogwarts Legacy livestreams with Twitch drops enabled) for at least two hours to get the first four items – you get one item every 30 minutes
    • Open the Twitch inventory to pick up the Twitch drops.
    • Click under Step 5 the corresponding items
    • Log into Hogwarts Legacy with your Warner Bros. account

    How to get Merlin”s Cloak: Once you”ve grabbed the dragon eye glasses, the lane hat, the lightning scarf and the lilac ensemble, you”re left with Merlin”s Cloak. Of course, you”ll also need to link your Twitch and WB accounts and, as mentioned above, watch the (official Hogwarts Legacy livestream on Twitch) for at least 20 minutes: either on 7 or 10 February at 5pm.

    Hogwarts Legacy Key Info

    Hogwarts Legacy will launch in its Early Access phase on February 7, 2023 and will be available to all on PC, Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X/S on February 10, 2023.

    What are your hopes and expectations for Hogwarts Legacy? Will you be starting Early Access for the Harry Potter role-playing game on 7 February or will you wait until the official release, which is still a few days away? Let us know in the comments!