Two Point Museum: Probably the weirdest construction game series gets an unexpected boost


In the new construction sim, you can build your own museum – and of course the typical Two Point humor is not neglected. We have all the info on the announcement

Have you successfully cured your patients’ narrzism and pot-ache? And you also graduated with top marks in knight sports science? Very good! But there’s not much time left to take a deep breath, because soon the crazy construction chaos inTwo Point Museumwill continue!

Surprisingly, publisher Sega and developer Two Point Studios announce a sequel to Two Point Hospital and Two Point Campus – and it’s exactly what it sounds like.

What can you expect in Two Point Museum?

You take on the role of a manager who has to build museums on several maps and keep them intact during the campaign. You hire workers, buy fancy bones of the infamous Unihornus for your exhibition, decorate your halls and lure customers willing to pay into the museum store. And all this while facing medium to large-scale disasters

In the usual Two Point tradition, unusual exhibits are of course a must: Of course, you not only have dinosaur bones, but also jelly-preserved and perfectly preserved carnivores. Your carnivorous plants make fantastic loungers for your guests. There is also food from the sausage tree and in Hall 8 there is actually an antique stone computer that is at least three years old!

You can see what it all looks like on theSteam pageor watch the trailer directly!

And what’s new?

You can already tell: Two Point Museum remains true to the wacky series – but also promises a few exciting new features:

  • Expeditions: You can finance expeditions and commission archaeologists to collect unusual relics for your museum. These differ not only in their style, but also in their degree of rarity.
  • Creative Freedom: The individual levels in the campaign no longer have a dedicated theme as in the predecessors. Instead, you can give free rein to your creative ideas and, for example, build several themed landscapes in different rooms of your museum.
  • More Achievements: Two Point Museum does away with the 3-star system – now you can expand your mega-museum and collect an infinite number of stars as rewards. The game is also designed to encourage you to change your layout again, for example, to highlight unusual finds.
  • Matching challenges: Who wouldn’t want a block of ice with a Neanderthal at home? Protect your museum from burglars and vandals! And then there are the children who have to climb all over the place. So you have a lot to do!

Of course, there are still lots of unanswered questions: How big is the leap from its predecessor Two Point Campus? Do the new features make sense? Is the setting fun at all or is the air slowly running out? And when will the bustling construction sim even be released? Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long for more information. In the meantime, let us know what you think of the announcement in the comments.

Two Point Museum will be released on Steam, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S and you can add it to your wishlist now