V Rising: First gameplay shows what’s important in the survival game with vampire

‎V Rising game

In the survival game V Rising you are a vampire – but that doesn’t mean much. At the beginning of the open-world title, you are more of a skeleton than a powerful lord. Your goal, however, is to work your way up. And that means the following for you: Skilling, crafting, collecting, building, sucking blood and avoiding sunlight. The first gameplay trailer also shows where your journey in V Rising can take you. A pitiful hut gives way to an imposing castle, you suck the blood of poor villagers and face other supernatural creatures.

V Rising will even be an MMO, by the way, with up to 50 people able to play simultaneously in co-op and/or against each other. You will also have access to different types of weapons and magic for combat. You can also go hunting during the day or at night – the latter being safer for you as a vampire, of course. If you should die, you will have to collect your lost loot.

V Rising does not have a release date at the moment However, a beta is scheduled to start in 2021. You can find more information about the survival game with an open world on the official Steam page of V Rising.