Valorant maps receive adjustments for a better overview


Riot Games is listening to the community: With the upcoming patch 1.02, VALORANT players will be able to enjoy numerous map adjustments and the long-awaited Ranked mode.
In terms of maps, Riot Games has responded to the community’s criticism that there are too many corners where opponents can hide in the latest patch. If you want to go to a bomb spot, you have to check too many hiding places, was the opinion of many players.

In response to the criticism, Riot has adjusted numerous unmanageable areas on all maps. The map “Haven” was the most affected. Here, the garage doors as well as bomb spot A, the connectors to C and A and the channel at A have been revised.

On the latest map “Ascent” there were only a few changes compared to “Haven”. The spawn of the defenders, the entrance to the garden and A-Main have been reworked.

“Bind” only got a redesign of the entrance to the bathroom, the area outside the teleport and the window above bomb spot B.

Split” got the fewest changes. Only the spawn of the defenders has been revised.

Ranked mode and new give up function
With the patch 1.02, the ranked mode that players have been longing for for a long time is now supposed to come. But when exactly this will find its way into VALORANT is not certain. Game Director Joe ‘Hephastopheles’ Ziegler announced on Twitter that he will follow the situation and activate the ranked mode on Thursday, as soon as all regions play the latest patch. He added, however, that it may take until the end of the week for ranked mode to be activated.

For the 5vs5 mode there will also be the possibility to give up. Should a player leave the match, a vote can be started via the chat to give up the game. All remaining players must agree to this. The voting can be started with the commands “/ff”, “/ surrender”, “/capitulate” or “/quit”.