“Wait a minute, you can do that?!” – You can solve a tricky quest in Kingdom Come 2 much more easily than the game would have you believe.


During a main quest, you are supposed to take a circuitous route out of a castle, but in reality there is a much easier solution. You just have to be mean.

An important piece of advice:When playing Kingdom Come 2, think outside the box more often! You can solve many quests in ways that are not explicitly suggested by the game. But very often, the role-playing game does take these solutions into account, and in some cases, you even make your life easier.

As it turns out, there is a surprisingly simple solution to a dilemma in the main quest French finish If you are not yet that far into the story, then you better not read on here, because there will be small spoilers.

An unconventional solution

Last chance to back out if you haven’t started the French Exit quest yet! You’re sure? Good.

In the course of the Kingdom Come 2 story, Henry’s best buddy Hans doesn’t have it easy. First he is attacked, then pelted with faeces, put in the stocks, arrested for poaching, almost hanged, buried under rubble and then locked up in Maleschau Castle. As a result, the poor guy eventually suffers from claustrophobia.

Who would have thought it! Instead of going to all that trouble with the horses, you can just knock Hans out from behind and carry him through the secret passage.It sounds obvious, but the game doesn’t hint at this possibility in any way!

It’s all the more surprising that this unusual solution is rewarded with a small cutscene. The comments show how few people have thought of this solution. Many are amazed that Warhorse even takes it into account.

“I didn’t know that was possible! I killed all the guards in ambush and it was a damn torture! What a game!”

As PR manager Tobias Stolz-Zwilling additionally writes on X , many developers were even worried that no one would ever find this solution.

By the way, we don’t know if and how this action affects Heinrich’s relationship with Hans. We’ll just go ahead and assume that Hans is not a huge fan of this. So if you have romantic interest in Hans, you might want to refrain from knocking him unconscious.

There are more quests in the game where you can take unusual paths. For example, you can carry the drunken gamekeeper Vostatek directly home instead of to his camp, or even to the nearest inn. The game even reacts to this! If you come across even more examples, please write it in the comments!