Warm Snow: The stylish action RPG thrills thousands of players on Steam


Warm Snow combines rogue-like with role-playing elements and inspires thousands of players on Steam. We explain what the hit is all about.

On Steam, apart from the big blockbuster titles, there are always true indie gems that make a name for themselves, especially virally, and thus become a hit on Valve’s platform. One such game is Warm Snow, which at first glance looks a lot like Hades, but can stand on its own two feet.

To get you started, here’s the stylish trailer that gives you a taste of the visuals and gameplay:

What is Warm Snow about?

In Warm Snow you take on the role of the brave warrior Bi-an, who makes his way through the dark fantasy world to find a solution to the strange snowfall. In order to achieve this goal, he must sooner or later take on five large clans before the world is finally plunged into chaos.

At the centre of Warm Snow are fast-paced, action-packed battles against all kinds of creatures and human opponents. Of course, you can also expect tough boss fights whose long life bars almost encourage you to surrender. To keep the game feeling fresh even after several playthroughs, the levels are created and assembled from randomly generated elements, as is typical for the genre.

As your journey progresses, you will become stronger and gain skill points that you can freely distribute among three trees. You will also find new weapons and so-called relics that grant you further bonuses. So you see, the comparison with Hades is no coincidence.

Steam figures speak for themselves

On (Steam) Warm Snow is currently well received by the gaming community. This could also be due to the fact that you can first try out whether you enjoy the game before buying it thanks to a free demo. In many cases, the answer to the question of fun seems to be yes, because last week the game even made it to 9th place on the (Steam bestseller list).

Currently, Warm Snow can even outpace the indie hit Hades in terms of player numbers.
Currently, Warm Snow can even outpace the indie hit Hades in terms of player numbers.

What is praised, what is criticised? Of the more than 4900 reviews on Steam, over 90 per cent are positive, which means that Warm Snow is very well received by players.

The fast-paced battles and the beautiful graphic style are particularly well received. But the open character system with its upgrades and possible builds is also very appealing. If you want, you can really get to grips with the system.

But there are also some points of criticism that are mentioned again and again: For one thing, there are still annoying bugs, some of them even so serious that boss fights cannot be completed and therefore have to be restarted – annoying! In addition, the plot doesn’t really get off the ground and, especially in comparison to Hades, is rather lame anyway.

For the short and medium term, the developers have already promised further content in the form of updates and DLCs – whether the former will be free of charge is not clear from the statements. The DLCs, however, will be paid for and provide new relics, NPCs and weapons.

An important note at the end: According to user comments, the European version of the game in particular is currently struggling with the above-mentioned boss battle bug. It is therefore best to try out the demo before making a purchase and be aware that you may have to wait for a patch that fixes the problem

Have you already played Warm Snow and can you tell us about your experiences? Or are you rather put off by the Far Eastern setting, which is why you continue to play Hades and Co. Just write us your opinion in the comments!