Warzone 2 – New AI programme creates the perfect loadouts for you


An AI creates the perfect loadout in Warzone 2? We took a look at the whole thing for you and reveal whether it”s worth it

So what?

At the latest since ChatGPT, artificial intelligence has been on everyone”s lips and hardly a week goes by without news about its advantages. Now the digital brain has also reached Warzone 2 and generates the perfect loadouts for every situation at lightning speed. We have tested the new service and tell you whether it is worth it.

Top loadouts with MetaGen

The name TrueGameData should not be unfamiliar to many Warzone veterans. The CoD influencer and statistics nerd has already made a name for himself in the past with loadouts and deep data analyses for Warzone.

The US-American does not only rely on his gut feeling, but always justified his loadouts with statistical analyses and weapon data.

Lately, however, things have been quiet around the warzone expert and there was a good reason for that. For months TGD has been tinkering with a website that is not only crammed with weapon data, but thanks to an AI also makes it possible to create the perfect loadout for every situation in Warzone 2.

The programme MetaGen, which he created himself, is child”s play to use and takes into account every conceivable wish of a player when creating a loadout.

But before the fun can begin, we must first set the parameters for our loadout

  • Weapon type (melee/range combat)
  • Squad Size (Trio, Quads, Solo & Duo follow)
  • Silencer (yes/no)
  • Reserved slot for visor (yes/no)
  • Laser visibility – ADS (yes/no)
  • Laser visibility – hip fire (yes/no)
  • Weighing 17 individual stats such as TTK, DPS or ADS speed

Test Run

Once we have entered all the data, it takes a moment for the programme to spit out all the appropriate options. In our example, it took about 70 seconds before the AI could present a result.

After several tests with different settings, this roughly corresponds to the average time for creating loadouts with the programme. The more parameters are set beforehand, the longer the creation of the result also takes.

The result is impressive and offers us a list of all available weapons and their attachments, sorted by Metascore.

In our test run we chose the Long Range option with focus on ADS speed, bullet speed and TTK, whereupon the M13B, TAQ-V and Lachmann-556 were suggested.

In fact, in the current meta, all three weapons are excellent choices and the essays are also almost perfectly chosen. The absence of the fifth attachment is intentional in the Long Range option, by the way, to leave room for a sight.

At present, the programme unfortunately does not offer an option to set the exact weapon type (sniper, AR, MP, etc.) and the fine-tuning of the attachments must also still be done by the user.

Nothing is free

As so often in life, good service unfortunately also costs something this time. If you want to use MetaGen, you have to pay at least €5 per month for a Bronze subscription. The next higher variants, Silver (10 €/month) and Gold (15 €/month), currently offer hardly any advantages over the cheaper Bronze subscription.

However, even with a paid subscription, we cannot create an infinite number of loadouts. The system works like a kind of account into which something is paid every day. On the site this is called Regenerative Run Limit 

In a bronze subscription, for example, we can generate 15 loadouts until our account is exhausted. Once we have reached zero, we have to wait a day to receive new runs. While we are credited with one run per day with bronze, it is two and three per day in the silver and gold variants respectively.

Our account can store different numbers of runs depending on the subscription, in case we don”t want to create a loadout every day.

  • Bronze 15 runs
  • Silver 30 runs
  • Gold 45 runs

In addition to MetaGen, Premium Membership also offers other benefits such as access to the Comparison Tool, Damage Range Map, and STK Calculator, which provide additional information on the different weapons.

In the long run, there should be a variant of MetaGen that doesn”t cost any money, but which will most likely be limited in its possibilities.


At present, the MetaGen does not yet offer any groundbreaking innovation that we could not adopt ourselves. Warzone loadouts are a dime a dozen, as we all know, and after a quick Google search, you”ll usually find what you”re looking for.

The loadouts generated by the AI are impressive in any case and offer up-to-the-minute configurations of the current meta-weapons.

For the time being, MetaGen is just a nice toy that saves us a few mouse clicks. Whether you”re willing to pay €5 a month for it is up to you in the end.