Watch Dogs Legion – In the trailer, assassin Darcy builds a bridge to Assassin’s Creed

Watch Dogs Legion Assassin creed
Watch Dogs Legion Assassin creed

That Watch Dogs and Assassin’s Creed are set in the same universe is an open secret. But Ubisoft is only now getting into the swing of things – with the latest DLC for Watch Dogs Legion. In it, players slip into the assassin’s robe of Darcy, who assassinates her way through a dystopian London with her hidden blade. But before you get too excited, Darcy is not officially part of the Assassin’s Creed canon. But that could change if Darcy makes a lasting impression on fans.

The Darcy event will be available for all platforms on 24 August 2021. However, you will need to own the Season Pass. Bloodline, for example, already included the return of the well-known characters Aiden Pearce (Watch Dogs) and Wrench (Watch Dogs 2).