Way of the Hunter: New simulation flaunts Unreal graphics, story campaign and gigantic open world

Way of the Hunter!

Way of the Hunter! With Way of the Hunter, a new hunting simulation is on the horizon that is not only visually convincing, but also wants to depict life as a hunter as realistically as possible.

Those who want to go virtual stalking currently can’t avoid the 2017 release theHunter: Call of the Wild. For over five years, the hunting simulation has dominated the genre and is regularly supplied with new DLCs.

With almost 90,000 very positive reviews on Steam and an average of just under 5,000 players, potential competitors admittedly also have a hard time. A team of experienced Cabelas and DayZ veterans is now on the prowl and is preparing to knock the top dog off its throne with Way of the Hunter.

With it: Open World, story campaign and Unreal Engine 4. How promising the result looks, you can see in the fancy trailer above or in the screenshot gallery with the first gameplay impressions:


Way of the Hunter combines shooter, survival and simulation

After the establishment of Nine Rock Games in Bratislava in February 2020, it became quiet about THQ Nordic’s new studio. The developer led by David Durčák, former Project Lead of DayZ, was supposed to focus mainly on survival and shooters. Besides David Durčák, Nine Rock Games also employs former developers from Cauldron Studios, which already developed the Cabela’s hunting games.

David Durčák comments on Way of the Hunter as follows:

With Way of the Hunter we want to establish a new series. The Way of the Hunter will bring the large fan community a digital hunting experience that focuses on both a thrilling story and sophisticated weapon and ballistics simulation. To create the best hunting game possible, we’ve assembled an experienced team of professionals who have previously worked on games like DayZ or the Cabela’s hunting games

(In Way of the Hunter, you go stalking in either America or Europe.)
(In Way of the Hunter, you go stalking in either America or Europe.)

With Way of the Hunter, the team around Nine Rock Games presents their first work and sets the bar very high in the announcement trailer. Two lively and extensive open-world hunting grounds as well as different biomes are promised.

Only the hunting ground in the United States of America can be seen in the trailer. Another one is supposed to be located in Europe. Both areas have an area of around 140 km² and are supposed to have a uniquely simulated ecosystem. For comparison: the map of theHunter is only 64 km² and even an Elden Ring seems relatively small with 79 km².


Camouflage, deceive and leafshot together

In the simulation, you take over your grandfather’s hunting ground and continue the traditional family business. In addition to hunting, you also specialise in selling high-quality game meat.

For those who do not want to experience a picturesque sunrise in the Unreal Engine 4 or the silence of nature alone, Way of the Hunter also offers a co-op multiplayer mode. However, there is currently no information about how many players can hunt together in co-op. It is also not known whether there will be cross-play between PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

Together or in single player, you will go hunting for different animal species in the respective regions. The first screenshots already show some of the animals that are on the move in your hunting area. Among them are black bears, wild ducks, moose, mountain goats, mule deer and white-tailed deer.

(The mighty black bear can only be bagged with good planning and a dash of luck.)
(The mighty black bear can only be bagged with good planning and a dash of luck.)

According to Nine Rock Games, the weapon and bullet physics in particular should be as close to reality as possible. The behaviour of the weapons and projectiles in the competitor product theHunter has repeatedly caused discussions. For some, the physics did not go far enough, others found it too complicated. Way of the Hunter could score points here with balanced and well-calculated physics. It is not yet known which hunting weapons and equipment will be available in the final game. So far there is talk of a large selection of licensed rifles and aiming devices.

Who is Way of the Hunter interesting for?

Way of the Hunter is intended to appeal in particular to players of hunting simulations. Those who have already played theHunter: Call of the Wild or the Cabela’s hunting simulations should give Way of the Hunter a chance. Those who have never been on a virtual hunt before will have to be a little patient. At the moment it is not known whether there will be a tutorial and how extensive it will be.

Little is also known about the degree of simulation. However, since the Slovakian studio is backed by many experienced developers who have already worked on other survival and hunting simulations, it is to be hoped that the degree of realism will be very high. Thus, a hunt could sometimes take a few hours. Impatient players who just want to shoot will certainly have little fun with Way of the Hunter.

(How realistic is nature simulation in the end really?)
(How realistic is nature simulation in the end really?)

A major criticism of theHunter: Call of the Wild was the confusing menu for unlocking weapons. Beginners in particular are often overwhelmed at the start, as the game gives little guidance on how to choose the right weapon. This makes it difficult to get started and moments of frustration characterise the first few hours. With the right balance and adjustable in-game aids, Way of the Hunter could also pick up newcomers, thereby igniting enthusiasm for virtual hunting.

Open questions for Way of the Hunter

So far, apart from the trailer, there are only a few screenshots of Way of the Hunter. This raises many questions, among others about the release of the game – which is not yet known, the trailer only speaks of “coming soon”. Also uncertain is the variety of the animal world and whether new animal species will only be available via DLC.

The price for the base game is also not yet known. If Way of the Hunter is based on its competitor theHunter, players can expect a lot of paid content. For comparison: theHunter: Call of the Wild currently costs 20 euros on Steam without a discount. The Complete (Collection with all DLCs) costs 114 euros and includes a discount of 23 percent. Individually, all 32 DLCs together cost just under 128 euros. An astronomical price, but the base game already offers content for several 100 hours. Considering the size of the hunting grounds, Way of the Hunter should offer a lot of content even without DLCs. You can see what a hunt in theHunter can look like in the following gallery.

A big question mark also hides behind the story announced for Way of the Hunter. At first it sounds like a typical cliché: a family member bequeaths us his land and we take care of everything.

How long and extensive the story will be has not yet been determined. Little is known about the gameplay itself, except for the hunting. Will players also be able to cut up the animals to sell them in their own shop afterwards? Will we be able to hire employees? Both would be features that would make Way of the Hunter more complex and varied than theHunter.

One thing is certain: Way of the Hunter has a lot to offer visually. The hunting simulation is being developed in the Unreal Engine 4 and the first screenshots already reveal huge differences to theHunter. You can see the comparison for yourself with the following images:

Till the release it remains exciting and virtual hunters can lie in wait and pick up the scent. Way of the Hunter will be released on PC on Steam, in the Epic Games Store and on GOG.com. There will also be a version for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.


Editor’s verdict

I would never take out a hunting licence myself or willingly harm an animal. Virtually, however, hunting is fascinating. Especially after a long day at work, a hunting simulation is the perfect relaxation for me. To prepare for the hunt, I have to choose the right equipment and decide where to go stalking. Do I look for game along the water or do I listen to the calls of nature?

In multiplayer, on the other hand, there are opportunities to chat casually or to have in-depth conversations. And while you talk to each other, you lie in the grass together and keep an eye out for the right prey with binoculars. Way of the Hunter also promises a story as well as that the hunt is designed for ecological balance. I am curious to see whether and how well the hunting simulation can stand out from its competitor theHunter: Call of the Wild, and I sincerely hope that there will be enough animals even without DLCs. Above all, the gameplay must be solid so that there are enough options for both beginners and veterans to adapt their play style.