When does the Starfield preload begin? All about the download on Steam and Xbox


Bethesda’s big role-playing game will be released on 6 September. But you can do the big download in advance

Not long now before we set off into the unexplored vastness of space. Starfield will be released on 6 September (for pre-orderers of the Premium or Collector’s Edition already on 1 September), and will let us explore over 1,000 planets.

If you’re wondering if and when you can download the role-playing game before release, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ll answer all your questions about the preload, download size and more.

Contents List

  • Is there a preload?
  • Who can use the preload?
  • When does the preload start?
  • How much do I have to download?

All info about the Starfield preload

Is there a preload?

Yes, you could download Starfield before the release to be able to play immediately on release. You can find the exact release times here

Who can use the preload?

All players who have either pre-ordered Starfield or have a Game Pass subscription can use the Preload.

Everything you need to know about Starfield in Game Pass we have collected for you in a separate article.

Even if you have ordered a physical version, you will be able to download the game in advance as soon as your order arrives.

When will the preload start?

This depends on your platform, as well as the way you purchased Starfield. The following preload start times have since been communicated by the developers:

  • Preload for Xbox: from 17 August.
  • Preload for Game Pass: as of 17 August
  • Preload for Steam: from 30 August

How much do I need to download?

The download size differs slightly depending on the platform. Currently, you’ll need to download 126GB on Xbox and just under 140GB on PC (with Game Pass). So you’ll need to free up a lot of hard drive space to park the space role-playing game already. On Steam, the preload is interestingly a little smaller.

 On Steam, the preload is interestingly a little smaller.

  • Preload PC Game Pass: 140 GB
  • Preload Xbox: 126 GB
  • Preload Steam: 116 GB

How about you? Have you already pre-ordered Starfield and downloaded the game today on Xbox, or will you have to wait longer? Do you prefer to wait for the first reviews before jumping into the spaceship, or will you try out the role-playing game without additional costs thanks to Game Pass? Feel free to let us know in the comments!