Why Humankind is removing Denuvo before release despite the risk of piracy



Denuvo has often been removed from games months after release. In the case of Humankind, the developers now decide to do so even before release

The turn-based strategy game Humankind, which will be released on 17 August, was originally planned to contain the controversial copy protection Denuvo. However, the developers at Amplitude Studios have now announced that they will not be using Denuvo after all.

Why is this remarkable? For one thing, because of the timing. We are already familiar with the subsequent removal of Denuvo, but this is unusual before the release of a game. On the other hand, the openness of the developers is also remarkable, who speak clearly about the reasons.

What was the reason to remove Denuvo?

According to de Waubert, the studio decided to remove the copy protection based on performance data from the closed beta. According to the report, there simply wasn’t enough time to integrate the copy protection into Humankind in such a way that it didn’t negatively impact performance too much:

“Denuvo should never affect performance and we don’t want to sacrifice quality for you players. We do believe that with the right integration [of Denuvo in Humankind] it would be possible to achieve that, and that’s what we wanted to test during the closed beta. However, we found that the current integration is not good enough and that we can’t solve the problem until the release. That’s why we are removing Denuvo again.”

At the same time, the head of the developer studio makes it clear that this was not an easy decision. So it would already be very helpful if Denuvo could prevent a cracked version of the game from appearing just a few days after launch.

What are your experiences with games that use Denuvo? Have you encountered any performance problems or have you ever refrained from pre-ordering a game because it was supposed to use Denuvo? Feel free to post it in the comments