Will Titanfall be saved? Developer gives fans more frustration than hope


Titanfall’s hacking problem is the talk of the community right now. A developer wants to give encouragement, but his statements are causing many fans to shake their heads

Titanfall and Titanfall 2 suffer massively from constant hacker attacks and are partially unplayable in multiplayer. Fans have been hoping for months that developer Respawn Entertainment and publisher EA would be able to free their shooters from the stranglehold, but unfortunately there has been little success to report so far. A Respawn employee now wants to encourage the players with a video – but many only feel more frustrated by the statements made in it.

Developer: “You are not alone “

Jason Garza, who is responsible for the communication between Respawn and the players, also talked about the current situation of Titanfall in his weekly Youtube stream. You can see the video here, below we summarise the most important statements for you:

One viewer wrote that the Titanfall community was at a loss because of the hackers and felt left alone by the developers. To this Garza said:

“You guys are not left alone. It’s like a whack-a-mole game with this thing. I don’t want to say again that the team is working on the problem, because you can’t repeat this endlessly without it losing impact. But they are definitely working on it. It’s a different kind of game now with these people doing DDoS attacks and blacklisting people. So we can’t announce our next steps, we can’t say what exactly we’re doing. All I can say is: We’re still on it.”

However, he diminishes hopes of a quick improvement in the situation right back – and many fans find that discouraging:

“The thing is, we only have one or two people on it, everyone else is busy with Apex Legends. So don’t feel bad, we’re working on it. But these things take time.”

Gamers are still frustrated
In the comments, Titanfall players are thanking Garza because he clearly says they won’t be forgotten. But many don’t believe Respawn can tackle the massive hacking problem with so few staff. For example, one viewer writes:

One to two people? That’s a joke. Saying one to two people are working on it isn’t an acknowledgement that you’re trying, it’s an acknowledgement that you’re wasting the time of two people who can’t stop it – otherwise they would have done it already.”

Titanfall and Titanfall 2 are now older, of course, and come to far fewer players combined than Apex Legends. So it’s little surprise that there are only a few developers still working on it. A large team probably wouldn’t pay off at all.

Is there another solution? Many players are now repeating a demand that is often voiced in the community: They want players to be able to host their own servers for Titanfall in the future. So far, this is not yet possible.

Concerns about Apex: Fans are also increasingly worried about Apex Legends. Some fear that the Steam hit could also be targeted by hackers. One comment puts it this way:

“Here’s how I see it. A single hacker is causing havoc and ruining the gaming experience for thousands of players of two of your games. I see a developer studio that has a multi-million publisher behind them and seems to think it’s ok for a single person to break these two games. The hacker isn’t going to stop with Titanfall 2. He’ll move on to Apex at some point. I hope you guys are ready for it then.”

A single hacker? In case you were wondering what this statement was all about: The identity of the Titanfall hackers is not known, but there are now many indications that it is indeed a single individual or at most a small group.