With cat and cyberpunk: the makers of a new Netflix hit are now filming their most successful Steam game


Annapurna wants to produce a Stray movie. The makers of one of last year’s best action-adventures released the Netflix hit Nimona just a few weeks ago.

Stray was one of the most requested Steam games in 2022 and for the developers of Blue Twelve the most successful release on the Valve platform ever. Now the cyberpunk adventure on four paws is to be filmed – and even by its own publisher.

Rose prospects for a stray

What the parent company recently fabricated: Annapurna launched just a few weeks ago with Nimona a Netflix hit that thrilled critics and fans alike: At (RottenTomatoes) the comic adaptation comes along with a proud score of 94 percent, viewers let jump with 91 only a few points less.

Many questions remain unanswered: Concrete details about the film adaptation of Stray are currently still waiting. For example, we don’t know if the planned adaptation will be released in theaters or on a streaming service like Netflix. 

What is officially revealed about the Stray movie: But to (Entertainment Weekly) the head of Annapurna Animation already reveals:

The game is about all the things that make us human, even though there are no humans in it at all. It’s a buddy comedy about a cat and a robot, and there’s a really delightful dynamic between the two of them.

How do we get that portrayed in a movie? Well, we get it done, even if it feels impossible at times. But we know that it’s the essence of the game and the key is to tell the story of it.

If we can do it justice with our adaptation, it will be the greatest hopepunk movie ever made!

If you’re wondering what’s behind the term hopepunk: It’s used to describe a genre niche in which hope is a form of resistance.

A cyberpunk game fans shouldn’t miss

How good did Stray turn out to be anyway? Stray was released in September 2022 and even managed to convince non-cat fan Géraldine (quite unappealing, I know) in the test. In the game itself, we play a cat that finds itself in a cyberpunk world populated by robots.

Have you already played Stray and if so, how well did you like the cyberpunk adventure in the role of a cat? What do you think of the Netflix adaptation of the comic Nimona and what are your hopes and expectations for the adaptation of Stray? Which video game do you think should get a movie or TV series? Let us know in the comments!