Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty gameplay trailer shows brute Asia Soulslike action


Japanese publisher Koei Tecmo and developer studio Team Ninja have released a new trailer for the action role-playing game Wo Long as part of GamesCom 2022 : Fallen Dynasty has been released. It shows spectacular, incredibly dynamic and epically choreographed fight scenes that are reminiscent of an Asian action blockbuster. What will the developers of Nioh offer us with the AAA Soulslike game coming out in early 2023?

What to expect with Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

The basic formula of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty remains Soulslike typical. Hazy level areas, peppered with grotesque and challenging enemies, at the end of which a tough boss awaits you. Thematically, we move to China at the time of the Han Dynasty Mythology, folklore and magic will play a central role and mix with the historical setting. Also means: an incredible variation of enemy designs

Fighting against all kinds of mythical creatures, both human and superhuman, according to Team Ninja and the trailer, we will have to rely on blades, spears, magic, incantations and all kinds of tricks. Timing, parrying and dodging also play an important role in the direct sword duels. Similar to a Sekiro All elements of the complex combat system must be internalised in order to survive in the fast-paced battles.

Important features that Where Long: Fallen Dynasty distinguish it from other Soulslike games, e.g. Elden Ring include the lack of a stamina bar, which forces us to act quickly and place blows directly after each other. Stringing together attacks is not only practical, nifty to look at, easy to execute, but also essential.

The ability to jump also opens up many possibilities for world interaction and in combat. Clearly, in the combat system, the Chinese martial arts model and inspiration. In the new morality system you also decide which of the total 5 elemental spell types you can use. An exciting and new mechanic that is sure to set off some fireworks on the screen.

For all multiplayer fans, it’s good news that Wo Long will feature online co-op as well as a PvP system where you can engage in duels with other players. As Souls players know, PvP is often the means of choice to keep a game and its associated community alive.