Wolves on the Westwind: New Trailer Introduces the Setting


Ulisses Digital has presented a new trailer for Forgotten Fables: Wolves on the Westwind. In this trailer, interested adventurers get to know the setting of the visual novel.

Nedime and Alrik, a mage and a warrior – both are plagued by their past and must now face their fears to avert a great disaster. This is the story of the latest DSA game Forgotten Fabrles: Wolves on the Westwind. With one of the two heroes, players head for Thorwal, where a dark force is spreading. Now they must assemble a group of brave adventurers to find out more about this dark energy and put an end to its havoc. To do so, the group of heroes must brave icy cold, mysterious forests, stormy seas and mysterious tunnel systems. Whether they reach their goal and put an end to the haunting, however, depends solely on your decisions.

Forgotten Fables: Wolves on the Westwind tells the story of a group of heroes from the pen & paper system The Black Eye in the form of a visual novel. With this adventure game, you will immerse yourself in the lore of the world and become an adventurer yourself. The reactive storyline leaves several options open to you, which will decide the outcome of your adventure. Curious players can thus play the story several times and unlock all the endings.

Behind the evil power in Wolves on the Westwind could be the Nameless God. In the world of Aventuria, he is considered evil personified and the adversary of the 12 main gods. Those who feel close to the Nameless One usually wrap themselves in purple or violet. In other words, exactly the colour that can be seen again and again in the trailers. But you can soon find out for yourselves whether he really takes on the role of the adversary.

Forgotten Fables: Wolves on the Westwind will be released in May for PC and iPad. The visual novel can already be added to the wishlist on (Steam).