World War 3: The failed Battlefield killer starts countdown to a new beginning


For a long time it was quiet about the 64-player shooter, which had started as a big Battlefield competitor in 2018. Now the reboot is probably imminent.

64 players on large maps, tanks, class system, an endlessly customisable arsenal of weapons: World War 3 had big ambitions when it launched in Early Access in 2018 (and even conquered Steam’s best-seller list for a short time).

But while the shooter’s strengths were certainly apparent, massive tech glitches, bugs, and balance issues caused a quick shutdown. Finally, the purchase option was removed from Steam, since then the servers have been virtually empty and the title fell into oblivion.

But now World War 3 is apparently planning a big comeback: on Twitter and Facebook, the official account started a countdown counting down to 14 July. Apparently, the shooter is about to be reannounced:

The relaunch of the game had already been announced in summer 2020. With the help of the new distribution partner My.Games (known for Armored Warfare, Skyforge, Conqueror’s Blade), a revision process began with engine changes, reworking of the movement and much more:

In the social media, fans of the game are also speculating about a conversion to Free2Play with microtransactions – a model for which My.Games is well known. It would then be questionable what buyers who had already spent 25 euros for the original World War 3 would receive as compensation.

In any case, the timing for a relaunch is a bold one: in just three months, a hotly anticipated AAA competitor with a very similar setting, Battlefield 2042, is coming up.