World War Z: Aftermath shows off new locations and first-person perspective in trailer

‎World War Z Aftermath
‎World War Z Aftermath

World War Z is getting a big update with Aftermath on 21 September 2021: The new DLC not only brings new characters and maps to the zombie shooter, but also a first-person mode and a completely overhauled melee combat system. You can get an overview of all the (gameplay) innovations in the trailer that the developers from Saber Interactive recently released.

What exactly is new? There are two new maps and campaigns, Kamchatka and Vatican City, and a new class, the “Vanguard”, which rounds off the previous ones. The Vanguard uses an electric shield as a kind of battering ram to clear a path for his team and open up possibilities for counterattacks. While the new first-person perspective should undoubtedly make for tighter immersion, melee weapons are categorised as “one-handed” and “two-handed” with Aftermath.

That’s how much the fun costs: World War Z: Aftermath includes all the previously released content of the GOTY edition and will cost around 50 euros at launch. Those who already own World War Z only have to pay 30 euros for the upgrade and players of the GOTY edition only 20 euros. For early 2020.

NextGen improvements are also coming: For PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S owners, Aftermath also offers extensive improvements such as 4K support and 60 fps. In addition, a “Horde Mode XL” and further, unspecified NextGen improvements will follow at the beginning of 2022, which will be available free of charge for owners of Aftermath.