WoW legend Reckful is dead


The streamer was one of the stars of WoW-eSports and had a huge fanbase on Twitch. This year his own game “Everland” should be released.

On July 2nd Byron “Reckful” Bernstein attracted attention with strange looking tweets, including a proposal of marriage to his girlfriend Rebecca “Becca” Cho, who is also a streamer at the moment and plays professional teamfight tactics.

Disgusting answers
The former World of Warcraft pro won first place at the 2010 MLG Washington DC, and his recent tweets included numerous disapproving comments that ridiculed or even “encouraged” his self-destructive statements.

Only a few hours later Reckful was already dead. This was confirmed by his roommates and his ex-girlfriend, who is known by the nickname BlueGoesMew. Byron “Reckful” Bernstein was only 31 years old.

She and other people from the immediate vicinity of Reckful stated that the cause of death was suicide. Official details are not yet known.

Through the World of Warcraft account, Blizzard expressed its condolences and mourned the loss of one of the “most memorable WoW players of all time. In the MMORPG, countless players gathered in the evening to pay their last respects to Byron.

In addition, the community loudly calls for immortalization in the game itself.