WoW Shadowlands Tank Ranking: Which class is the best?


Which tank class in WoW packs the best punch and deals the most? We tell you who will come out on top in Shadowlands.

Tanks have several tasks in World of Warcraft: They have to hold the aggro, i.e. the attention of the bosses, then pull the nasties into the right position behind them (for example, to deflect area-of-effect attacks away from the raid group) and also reduce the incoming damage as much as possible to relieve the raid’s healers.

The best tank in WoW: Shadowlands Raid and Mythic+

On, many guilds and groups upload their damage and healing stats that they take within a raid run or in the mythic-plus dungeons. Warcraftlogs then evaluates this data and creates an up-to-date ranking of the different classes.

These are the best tanks for the current raid

Since the new raid Sanctum of Domination is not yet available on mythic difficulty, the data is based on heroic difficulty.
Since the new raid Sanctum of Domination is not yet available on mythic difficulty, the data is based on heroic difficulty.

– Guardian Paladin
– Guardian Druid
– Brewmaster-Monk
Just like in the raid Castle Nathria, the Protection Paladin leads the tank ranking again this time. Its greatest strength comes from its damage output, which is a real asset to the raid. Especially when there is a bit of a crisis on the damage front.

But the guardian druid is also a wonderful alternative. They do a lot less damage than the paladin tank, but they put in a lot more. Depending on whether your raid has problems with healing or DPS, you should switch between the two tanks.

The current winners for Mythic+ Season 2

Here are the current rankings for all six classes with tank specs:

WoW Shadowlands Tank Ranking July mythsich
WoW Shadowlands Tank Ranking July mythsich

These are the top 3 tanks for the second season mythic+

– Brewmaster Monk
– Vengeful Demon Hunter
– Protection Warrior
Although there were few changes to the Brewmaster Monk with patch 9.1, he and the rest of his party benefit most from his crowd control abilities, as well as his role, which is great for keeping enemies at bay.

However, if the Brewmaster Monk is too quick to fall over or you’re dealing with a lot of magic damage, it’s best to go for the Vengeful Demon Hunter, which is also a good choice.

The best tank in WoW Shadowlands

Of course, numbers and statistics aren’t always everything and so we recommend that you don’t just focus on the bare numbers but also try out the individual tanks for yourself. After all, what good is the strongest tank if you can’t or don’t want to play it?