WoW: Sylvanas too hard or too buggy? Only 33 guilds manage new raid


In the new raid Sanctum of Domination, players should finally be able to settle accounts with Sylvanas Windrunner. But already the way to her is causing many guilds to fail at the moment.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands offers new quests and areas as well as new challenges for guilds. In the raid Sanctum of Domination, Sylvanas Windrunner will finally be dealt with. After all, she has caused enough chaos in the past years.

But so far her chances of survival are extraordinarily good. There are two reasons for this: The raid is unfortunately still plagued by some nasty bugs in heroic mode, which regularly forces guilds to give up. And if a group does make it to Sylvanas, it makes for a lot of bruises and bumps.

Nervous bugs spoil the fun of the Raid

As already mentioned, the problem starts on the way to the pointy-eared adversary. Various bugs are just lurking to make life difficult for the band of heroes. Among them are:

– You can suddenly fall through bridges into the depths.
– Anduin can cast an extremely powerful spell at a time when it should not be possible. This inevitably results in the death of the whole group.
– From time to time, the jump platforms can no longer be used, which also causes the players to fall to their deaths.
– In phase 3, some effects can no longer be placed, such as Healing Rain.
– Sylvanas teleports to the wrong places, which makes the fight unmanageable.
Of course, all these problems would be annoying enough. But Blizzard has not exactly made the situation more pleasant within the scope of some hotfixes, quite the opposite. Instead of fixing the bugs, they decided to make Sylvanas even stronger in some points.

But that is not the only point of criticism the WoW community currently has. On the story side, too, many players are complaining about the current decision of the Banshee Queen.

Guild successes are still limited
The result is sobering: As of yesterday, only 33 guilds had defeated Sylvanas on Heroic difficulty and thus completed the raid. If you compare how often other raid bosses were defeated at the same time, you realise how low this number is:

– Denathrius (Heroic) – 98 guilds
– N’zoth (Heroic) – Over 600 guilds
– Azshara (Heroic) – Over 400 guilds
– Jaina Sea of Splendour (Heroic) – Over 450 guilds
– G’huun (Heroic) – Over 400 guilds
As I said, this is only a snapshot. Over time, of course, more and more guilds will find a good strategy against Sylvanas. But rarely before has a raid boss made it so difficult for the players.

The race for the so-called World-First-Kill will also be exciting. All of the world’s best guilds will compete against each other to see who can defeat Sylvanas first on the mythical difficulty level.

You can see what else awaits you in Patch 9.1 in the trailer:

After tomorrow’s weekly maintenance between nine and ten in the morning, the Sanctum of Domination will also be playable in Europe on Mythic difficulty. You can also read about what other content will be added in the Patch 9.1 Roadmap.

Have you already tried your hand at Sylvanas and perhaps managed a victory on the normal difficulty? What do you think about the difficulty of the final boss?