XDefiant: Ubisoft wants testers to draw their curtains

tom clancy's defiant wallpaper
tom clancy's defiant wallpaper

NDAs are nothing new with alphas and betas of upcoming games. But Ubisoft is said to be particularly strict on the upcoming multiplayer shooter XDefiant.

Whoever wants to test Ubisoft’s upcoming multiplayer shooter XDefiant will apparently have to sign a very strict confidentiality agreement and, of course, abide by it in order not to lose pre-release access. Some of the clauses that have come to light, however, can almost be described as curious.

Even if you don’t test XDefiant, you don’t have to miss out on gameplay impressions. Just have a look at the official trailer with some gameplay scenes:

The bulkheads must be sealed

An NDA is basically nothing unusual when it comes to testing upcoming games as part of an alpha or beta. But with XDefiant, Ubisoft seems particularly keen to keep prying eyes away from the gameplay.

The website MP1st claims to have come into possession of said NDA and sheds some light on the matter. Probably the most curious element in the agreement concerns the lighting conditions in the room. During a session, testers even have to close their curtains so that no one outside can catch a glimpse.

The NDA is said to express itself on this point as follows:

“If I participate in the test and am in a room with a window, I will keep the curtains closed.

At least animals are allowed
But if you think that’s all there is to it, you’ll be proved wrong. The testers not only have to do without daylight, but unfortunately also without company beyond their beloved pets. Another point should read like this:

“I am taking part in the test alone: I will not invite anyone (including family members) to attend the session.”

This point is more understandable and is included in many NDAs. After all, it could happen, for example, that a friend who attends the test game captures the spectacle with his smartphone or similar.