Zeraora is one of the Legendary Pokémon in the new MOBA game Pokémon Unite. Here you can find out how to play it most effectively.


Zeraora is the third Pokémon to join the legendary representatives in the game. Of these, it is even the easiest to obtain so far: Anyone who registers in Pokémon Unite by 31 July will get the little animal for free. With Zeraora in your possession, all you have to do is figure out how best to play it – and we’ll tell you here.

Fast as Lightning
As an Electric-type Pokémon, Zeraora is capable of dealing quite a bit of damage and also casting crowd-control effects. However, its greatest strength lies in its speed, as the Legendary Pokémon belongs to the sprinter category.

Zeraora’s strength and speed are best utilised in its attack. The jump of its “Volt Switch” ability is essential to catch up with opponents. From level eight, you can choose between “Discharge” or “Wild Charge” for your second special attack. The latter works well in direct combination with your Dash and can sometimes take out enemies directly. “However, Discharge’s shield can be just as useful when playing against a team with strong attackers or other sprinters.

Zeraora’s stats:

Offence: 3.5 stars

Toughness: 1.5 stars

Mobility: 4 stars

Scoring: 3 Stars

Support: 0.5 Stars

Zeraora becomes a big threat especially in the later game when it has learned and levelled up both special abilities. If its dangerous combos are not enough for the kill, the Legendary Pokémon can also fall back on its Unite Move from level ten. “Plasma Gale” is always a sure hit and can even finish off several opponents at once.

Thanks to its speed, Zeraora can theoretically be used equally on all lanes and can change its position without any problems. The only disadvantage of the strong Pokémon is its low toughness. Players must quickly recognise critical situations in battle and use Zeraora’s agility to get to safety.

Items for Zeraora

Zeraora is fast, but so are other sprinters. In order to always have an advantage, it makes sense to increase his movement speed with the Float Stone item. Zeraora’s special attack value is also happy about an increase with items like the Special Attack Specs or Wise Glasses.For increasing your basic values, we recommend the Muscle Band, which increases your basic attack value, but especially your attack speed. To counteract your lack of toughness, the Shell Bell is ideal. It heals you for every ability you hit and even gets stronger the higher your special attack is. The combination of Shell Bell and Wise Glasses, for example, is therefore doubly worthwhile.