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We bring you all the info on the release, gameplay and trailers of for NextGen consoles.
2022 GTA 5 is to be remastered for the PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X. We give you all the info on the release, gameplay and trailers of Expanded and Enhanced.
GTA 5 can’t be killed: More than eight years after its original release, Rockstar Games is giving the game a new version. Expanded and Enhanced is being released explicitly for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, but should also bring exciting new features for the PC.
To give you an overview of what exactly GTA 5 E&E is all about and what will change for GTA Online, we have summarised all the important information for you here. If you want to know what Rockstar is planning for the (distant) future, you can find all the important leaks and rumours about GTA 6 in the following article:
GTA 5: Everything you need to know about the NextGen version
Release: When will GTA 5 be released for NextGen?
GTA Expanded and Enhanced will be released on March 15, 2022, originally scheduled for release on November 11, 2021. However, the release was postponed during last year’s Playstation Showcase.
Simultaneously, GTA Online will be released as a standalone version: Owners of a PS5 can permanently secure GTA Online Standalone for free for the first three months, Xbox owners have to pay during this period. After that, the game apparently costs cash on both platforms. You can find out more about the prices of the NextGen version below.
Platforms: What will the NextGen version be released for?
The new version of GTA 5 is a NextGen re-release for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, which will be released explicitly for consoles. If and when, for example, the revision of GTA Online or the standalone version of it will also be released for PC is currently not known.
Price: How much does GTA 5 cost for NextGen?
In the PSN and Microsoft Store you can find the entries for the NextGen version of GTA 5. According to this, the different variants come at the following prices:
Story Mode (with GTA Online and Singleplayer)
- PS5: Until 14 June 10 Euro, afterwards 40 Euro
- Xbox Series X/S: Until 14 June 20 Euros, afterwards 40 Euros
GTA Online (without single player campaign)
- PS5: Three months free
- Xbox: 10 euros
Free GTAO standalone for PS5: Players on PlayStation 5 will be able to grab and permanently keep the decoupled version of GTA Online for free for three months exclusively starting March 15, 2022.
No free upgrade: Owners of GTA 5 for PS4 or Xbox One cannot upgrade to the NextGen version for free. So those who already own the game on current consoles and want to experience it again on Playstation 5 or Xbox Series X will be asked to pay once more
Preload: When will the download start?
GTA 5 and GTA Online on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S will be available for pre-download from 8 March 2022, when pre-sales begin.
Download size: In the meantime, there is also more information about how big the download will be:
- Playstation 5: 87 GB
- Xbox Series X: 94 GB
Box sales coming later: Physical versions of NextGen games will hit stores in April 2022. Rockstar plans to provide more detailed info here soon.

New features: What kind of content does the NextGen version bring?
You can find all known details about the improvements and new features in the following list. This is what GTA 5 for NextGen is supposed to bring:
- 4K and up to 60fps
- Three performance modes (Fidelity, Performance RT and Performance)
- Better textures, anti-aliasing, shadows, explosions and visibility
- HDR and ray tracing support
- Faster load times thanks to SSDs
- 3D audio effects
- Haptic Controller Feedback (PlayStation 5)
- New weapons, vehicles and activities
- Performance enhancements for selected vehicles
- Enhanced wildlife, new vegetation system and denser traffic
- Improved damage and weather effects (Directional Damage)
About the Performance Modes: According to Rockstar, the graphics performance modes should bring different strengths and weaknesses depending on your taste:
- Playback Fidelity mode offers native 4K resolution with a target frame rate of 30 FPS, as well as ray tracing and graphics options that make for the most detailed version yet.
- Performance mode offers upscaled 4K resolution at 60 FPS with additional elements that enable ultra-high performance.
- RT Performance (Performance RT) is a mode that provides upscaled 4K resolution as well as additional ray tracing, but still supports optimal performance, with a target frame rate of 60 FPS.
Exclusive Cars in GTA Online: The NextGen version of GTA Online also comes with a handful of exclusive new vehicles. Prices, pictures and where you can get them can be found in the following list:
- Pfister Astron Custom at Legendary Motorsports for 1.720.000 GTA Dollar
- Coil Cyclone II at Legendars Motorsports for 2,250,000 GTA Dollar
- Karin S95 at Southern San Andreas Super Autos for 1,995,000 GTA Dollars
- Imponte Arbiter GT for 1,580,000 GTA Dollar
- Weaponized Ignus for 3,245,000 GTA dollars
New exclusive vehiclesGTAOnline
– Tez2 (@TezFunz2) March 14, 2022
GTA Online: What changes to multiplayer?
GTA Online will be a standalone title: With the release of GTA 5 for NextGen, GTA Online will be decoupled as a standalone version. This means that the multiplayer of the game will be separately playable or purchasable in the future – not unlike the standalone version of Red Dead Online. So you no longer have to start the single player mode of GTA 5 first.
There will also be a completely new tutorial to help newcomers get started in their crime career. This also includes other beginner’s aids such as a bonus for the first property.
This is what new players get: Those who start a new criminal career in GTA Online on NextGen consoles can look forward to the following bonuses. This is to make it easier for newcomers to get started in the multiplayer of GTA 5:
- four million GTA dollars
- a property for a business of choice
- a vehicle
- a weapon
This is what the Career Builder brings: With the new Career Builder, players can choose between four different businesses: Biker, Executive, Nightclub Owner or Gunrunner. You can invest your starting capital of four million GTA dollars in your new career, first vehicle and weapon. You should definitely make use of this, because you can only take one million of it into the game itself.
Also new is the Hao’s Special Works car shop in the LS Car Meet. Five old and five completely new vehicles will be able to be improved here, but further details are still awaited.

GTA 5 and Online: Transferring Character to NextGen – What PC Players Should Know
Rockstar has released GTA 5 and Online for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. We provide you with everything you need to know about character transfer – and why PC players first look into the tube.
With the release of GTA 5 and GTA Online for Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X, players can transfer existing characters to NextGen. However, not all of them! In this article we provide you with all the information about the character transfer of GTA 5 for the new consoles and what PC players have to consider.
All info about the character transfer in GTA Online
Can I transfer my PC character?
No, your character in GTA Online cannot be transferred from PC to PS5 or Xbox Series X. This has been officially announced by Rockstar Games. Rockstar Games has now officially confirmed this. If you want to experience the multiplayer of Grand Theft Auto 5 on the NextGen consoles, you will have to create a new character and thus a new savegame.
The issue blocking GTA Online profile migration of PS4 and Xbox One accounts that were previously migrated to PC has been addressed, and that migration is now working as intended.
Please note that GTA Online profiles on PC cannot be migrated to PS5 or Xbox Series XS.
– Rockstar Support (@RockstarSupport) March 15, 2022
Transfer character from old consoles to NextGen
With the release of GTA 5 and GTA Online, you can transfer your score and character from PS4 and Xbox Series X to Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. To do this, simply log into the Rockstar Social Club after starting the game on new consoles to get access to your data.
But you have to keep three important points in mind!
These are the three things you should watch out for
1: Duplicate character transfer issue fixed
For the NextGen launch of GTA 5 and Online, there was a problem with the character transfer in the meantime: Those who had transferred their game save from old consoles to the PC once, could not do this from PS4 and Xbox One to PS5 and Xbox Series X now. Rockstar has now fixed this problem.
You should now be able to transfer your character from old to new consoles – even if you have already transferred to PC.
We’re currently working to resolve the issue with GTA Online profile migration for PS5 and Xbox Series XS where those migrating from PS4 or Xbox One are currently blocked due to previously migrating those accounts to PC, and will update everyone once this is working as intended.
– Rockstar Support (@RockstarSupport) March 14, 2022
2: No crossplay between console generations
PS5 and PS4 players, as well as Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One players will not be able to play GTA Online together. There is no crossplay between the old and the new console generation. So if your friends don’t have NextGen hardware yet, you won’t be allowed to earn money together in GTA Online.
There is also no crossplay between the PC, Sony and Microsoft consoles. We have summarised all further information on this topic for you in this overview:
3: Character no longer available on old consoles after transfer
Once you have transferred your character from PS4 and Xbox One to PS5 and Xbox Series X, there is no going back. After transferring your save game to NextGen consoles, your progress in GTA Online is no longer available on the old consoles.
You should keep this in mind when thinking about transferring. Especially if you want to continue playing with friends who don’t own a NextGen console.
Trailer: What’s to see for the NextGen version?
So far, there is a single trailer with gameplay of GTA 5 for NextGen, which was released by Rockstar for the PlayStation Showcase 2021. However, this trailer has come under massive criticism among fans – and for various reasons.
What else you should know about GTA 5 for NextGen
GTA 5 and GTA Online will be available for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S on March 15, 2022. The re-release comes with a number of technical improvements and a handful of new content – such as a revamped tutorial and five new cars. As per the current status, this content will not appear on PC and will remain exclusive to NextGen consoles for the time being.
This is what the community criticises: Among other things, fans complain that the graphics of the NextGen version of the game hardly differ at all from current versions. There are hardly any improvements to be seen, and in addition, the information at the time remained very scanty and vague. Instead of concrete details, players were only put off with so much more.
In light of the disastrous launch of GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition and the almost non-existent communication from Rockstar Games, the mood of the community regarding this issue has hardly improved. It remains to be seen whether GTA 5 for NextGen can ultimately live up to the community’s expectations.
GTA 5: New trailer for the NextGen version causes a lot of criticism
What do you want to see in GTA 5 Expanded and Enhanced? What are your expectations for the standalone version of GTA Online? Let us know in the comments!