GTA 6 – Big announcement allegedly imminent, our live ticker in the gleanings


Rockstar is set to announce something about GTA 6 soon, according to credible insiders. We’ll keep our eyes and ears open for you and inform you here as soon as something happens

At the moment, the rumor mill is boiling, almost boiling over and spilling all the leak water. The reason: GTA 6 is supposedly about to be officially unveiled. By that we don’t mean confirmation that the game is in development!

No, we’re talking about … well, what?  A trailer? A picture? A final title? As you can see, we’re still just as smart as you are. Renowned industry insider Jason Schreier has (announced on X (formerly Twitter)) that there will be news about GTA 6 this week.

Reason enough for us to take a closer look: It’s time once again for a live ticker on!

Wednesday, 8.11.2023

2:19 p.m.

And with that, we say goodbye to you again. This live ticker has come to stay, but Rockstar had something against it. If you’re looking for a concentrated info load on GTA 6


There is an official statement from Rockstar: There will probably be no more news today (too bad!), but indeed a first trailer has been announced (yay!):

As announced: Our GTA Grandmaster Thomas has finished eating and while patting his well-filled paunch, he threw me a statement that I transcribed:

And another piece of curious news: Rockstar’s share price is already rising due to the emerging rumors, which underlines the pop-cultural relevance GTA 6 already has


In the comments, Plus user Mav99 (yes, we’re really reading along – hellooo!) writes: Liveticker means you know something’s coming. You wouldn’t do that just because of a “leak”, which was probably deliberately made public…

The very honest answer: No, we really don’t know anything! Why did we decide to use the ticker? Because we – like many of you – like to simply celebrate our favorite hobby. Because we want to enjoy the anticipation of a much-anticipated game with you. Because we know how many fans are looking forward to GTA 6

Speaking of fans: Our GTA expert Vali will also have his say here today. But the fine gentleman is still at the table. Until then, please share your opinions in the comments! You know now: I’m reading along, hehe …


First gameplay footage of GTA 6! Alright, that was mean of us. But this clip really makes you smile, don’t you think?

12:01 a.m.

Social media is already buzzing with speculation about when exactly GTA 6 could be released today. The favorite: Following today’s investor call (coincidence?)

11:57 a.m.

After Diablo 4 and Starfield, this would probably have been the last reason we would have guessed when it comes to the next live ticker. But well, here we are and GTA 6 is casting its shadow – allegedly!

But remember, despite all the hype, it’s not set in stone that the rumors are true. And we’ve already played enough spoilsport and are now giving in to the hype. Hmmmm, can you feel it? Let it flow through you! Ahhhh!

Are you really in the mood for GTA 6 yet? We can’t resist the obligatory questions about one of the most anticipated games ever: What do you want from Rockstar’s next gangster epic? And what aspects of its predecessors should definitely not return? Let us know your thoughts on the subject in the comments!