GTA 6 leaker on trial, but not likely to be found guilty


Nearly 10 months after the big leak, new details come to light. The court case is taking a different course due to a psychological report.

It’s been less than a year since our dear Géraldine’s toast fell out of her hand in shock on a sunny Sunday morning: GTA 6 has been leaked That’s pretty much the second most stressful scenario for a weekend shifter on the GlobalESportNews team right behind an announcement of Half-Life 3.

After that, the leak went quiet – until now. Because of course the perpetrator, a teenage hacker, is not off the hook just like that, quite the opposite. He has recently been on trial, but the proceedings have now taken a new direction due to new evidence.

Psychologists certify mental instability

According to the news agency (Reuters) a psychological report has concluded that he is not psychologically stable enough to go through the further court proceedings. What does that mean? Basically, the court will only determine whether he committed the acts he is accused of, instead of finding him guilty or not guilty.

Hacker is not said to be a first offender. As a member of the hacker group Lapsus$, the 18-year-old has targeted other tech companies in recent years, including Nvidia, Uber, Revolut and Microsoft, according to Reuters. It remains to be seen what fate now awaits the accused against the new background of mental insanity.

Apart from the aforementioned leak, there is now also a whole host of other info that does not stammer from such dubious sources.

In the meantime, some – unconfirmed – information about GTA 6 has come to light. So it’s worth asking you: What expectations do you have for the next part, what wishes, hopes and perhaps also worries? We are looking forward to your answers, so feel free to post them in the comments!