GTA 6: Why an established insider expects a reveal in October 2022

GTA 6!!

Currently, a “proper” reveal of GTA 6 is still a long time coming. Established Rockstar insider Tez2 shares a promising theory that points to October 2022

When will there be a first trailer for GTA 6? Or at least screenshots and concrete info coming from Rockstar itself? There is currently no clear answer to these questions. But the established insider Tez2 shares a promising theory, according to which the time may come as early as October 2022.

We summarise the most important facts for you – and what the potential reveal of Grand Theft Auto 6 could have to do with GTA Online and the GTA Trilogy. How Rockstar has to reinvent its Open World series for the next part and why the current world situation is to blame!

What could be the case for a GTA 6 reveal in October

This is what the insider speculates: In the (GTAForums) user Tez2 has shared a theory for a possible GTA 6 reveal that could take place in October 2022 – and within another Rockstar game: GTA Online. Specifically, it’s about a special UFO event that’s supposed to start on October 15 and run through the rest of the month until Halloween.

What does this have to do with GTA 6? Aliens and UFOs are an integral part of the world of Grand Theft Auto. In almost all games in the series, there are sometimes more, sometimes less obvious allusions and Easter Eggs that deal with extraterrestrial invaders. Thus, in both GTA 5 and GTA Online, there are even missions in which we make acquaintance with aliens or encounter their flying saucers.

Tez2 also explains why the upcoming UFO event in GTA Online could be connected to GTA 6: A photo of a mysterious, suspiciously high-resolution house can be found in the Lil Probe’In Cafe of San Andreas from GTA Trilogy. In the cafe itself, there were found in the

Fans already speculated that the photo could be the first image from GTA 6 and went in search of clues accordingly. In the meantime, the house has been assigned to the US state of Florida, where GTA 6 is supposed to be set according to several credible insider reports: there is talk of a return to Vice City.

Rockstar is cautious enough
: At least at this point in time, no direct references to GTA 6 can be found in the game files of GTA Online. That this will happen in the foreseeable future is also questionable, Rockstar would make it far too easy for dataminers.

That’s why Tez2 continues to speculate in the forums that the UFO event in October is only a part of an upcoming promotion campaign, which will take place or be expanded via Twitter, for example. So GTA Online might not be the pivotal point of the GTA 6 revelation, but at least an important part of it.

The timing would make sense: GTA 6 is supposed to be released at the end of 2023 at the earliest, but insiders like Jason Schreier or Tom Henderson don’t expect a release before 2024 to 2025. Considering the reveal and release patterns of previous Rockstar games, a potential unveiling of GTA 6 at the end of 2022 fits the pattern perfectly.

Last but not least, there was speculation back in 2021 that Rockstar might host a multiplayer reveal of GTA 6 in Grand Theft Auto 5. This would be supported by a job posting from the developer studio at the time for a Live Operations Coordinator. Their duties typically involve designing and implementing marketing campaigns within live service games – just like those taking place in Fortnite or Call of Duty: Warzone.

According to insiders, GTA 6 will gradually expand and revise its own game world after release. Comparisons to CoD: Warzone or Fortnite are also often made.

Who is Tez2 again? In case you’re not quite sure who the originator of the theory is anymore: Tez2 is a gaming industry insider who specialises in Rockstar and corresponding game series like Grand Theft Auto or Red Dead Redemption. Tez2 has been on Twitter or Rockstar forums for years and regularly shares reliable forecasts and credible glimpses behind the scenes. So Tez2 definitely enjoys the trust of its members in the GTA community – for good reason.

Don’t get too excited
! Of course, you should still take Tez2’s forecast with a grain of salt. After all, it’s a theory that seems coherent but doesn’t necessarily come true. GTA fans are best advised to wait for October and what Rockstar might reveal themselves.

What we know about GTA 6 so far

At the moment all we know from the official side is that GTA 6 is indeed in development. For everything else, we currently have to make do with insider reports, which paint a relatively clear picture. GTA 6 is supposed to be set in present-day Vice City, offer a male and a female protagonist and be steadily expanded after release.

What do you think of the Tez2 theory: could there be any truth to it or would you rather wait until October? What are your hopes and expectations for GTA 6? Let us know in the comments!