GTA Online: All the new weapons from The Criminal Enterprises and how to unlock them


The Summer Update 2022 for GTA Online makes two new weapons available to players. We tell you how you can get the service carbine and the service rifle.

The Criminal Enterprises is the latest update for GTA Online! It not only delivers fresh cars and missions, but also two new weapons with which you can make Los Santos unsafe: the service carbine and the precision rifle.

But be careful: At the moment, only one of the two new weapons is available in GTA Online! The service carbine, which is based on the real M16, is not yet available in the game. But we already know how to unlock the assault rifle as soon as it will be released in GTA Online in the coming weeks.

Of course, we also offer you an overview of the new vehicles of the Summer Update 2022. What you can spend your hard-earned GTA dollars on now with The Criminal Enterprises.

These two new weapons bring The Criminal Enterprises

M16 assault rifle – not yet available

  • Class: Assault Rifle
  • Price: Unknown
  • Available at: Probably at your agency armoury and at AmmuNation once you have unlocked the service carbine.

    (Fans of GTA Online will have to wait a little longer for the release of the new service carbine.)
    (Fans of GTA Online will have to wait a little longer for the release of the new service carbine.)

    First things first: The new assault rifle from The Criminal Enterprises is currently not yet available in GTA Online. Many fans would have assumed that the service carbine can be unlocked by completing the new ULP missions or by researching in the bunker. We have tried both and can currently say: The service carbine cannot be found this way at the moment.

    Thanks to the dataminer Wildbrick142, however, we already know more: In the coming weeks, a new collectible quest will probably open in GTA Online, in the course of which we have to find five different components of the weapon. This collectible hunt will probably be very similar to the search for Solomon”s movie props

    We”ll stay tuned for you, of course, and let you know as soon as we find out more about when and how exactly GTA Online”s new service carabiner will unlock.

    Precision Marksmanship Rifle – already available

    • Class: Sniper Rifle
    • Price: 391,500 to 450,000 GTA dollars
    • Available at: your agency armoury or AmmuNation

    What kind of weapon is this? With the Precision Rifle a new Sniper lands in GTA Online. Shooting with this weapon at long distances is always a challenge. The precision rifle does not have a scope and cannot be equipped with additional attachments and modifications. Only the colour can be adjusted.

    The bolt action also ensures that every shot has to be right. Once you have fired, your character must first load the next bullet into the barrel, while the magazine only holds ten bullets. But the precision rifle packs a punch.

    Who is it for? With a price tag of almost half a million GTA dollars on AmmuNation, you should think twice about making the investment – the Precision Rifle isn”t exactly for every type of gamer.

    By the way, the first trailer for The Criminal Enterprises already showed the service carbine and the precision rifle in action:

    The best weapons in GTA Online

    You lose track of all the pistols, assault rifles, MPs, sniper rifles, grenade launchers and the like in GTA Online? Don”t worry: We can help you there too, of course. In our guide, we have summarised the most important information about the best weapons in GTA Online in 2022 – and what makes them so good.

    What do you think of the new weapons for GTA Online that The Criminal Enterprises is bringing with it? What new shooting guns would you like to see in Grand Theft Auto 5”s multiplayer mode? Let us know in the comments!