GTA Online finally gets 4 improvements I”ve been wanting for years


Michael is so happy about the four comfort improvements that Rockstar is promising for GTA Online. What currently annoys him and how these problems are to be solved, you can find out here.

I love GTA Online, but sometimes I don”t feel loved by GTA Online That”s because of one or two problems that have plagued online life in Los Santos for years. But now, in the course of an official (Blogposts), Rockstar has finally promised improvement. The Summer Update 2022 is supposed to tackle four aspects that have been bugging me in GTA Online for years. What exactly these problems are and how Rockstar finally wants to get them under control after almost eight(!) years, I”ll summarise for you here.

What exactly these problems are and how Rockstar finally wants to get them under control after almost eight(!) years, I summarise for you here.

4 Problems of GTAO that Rockstar is now finally tackling

Rockstar kept getting fantastic quality-of-life improvements with the last updates, enriching the complete gaming experience. But what is now to come with the Summer Update 2022 (expected on 19 July) should have triggered a small cry of joy not only in me. Because these comfort improvements have been wished for again and again by numerous members of the community.

If you”re otherwise interested in what”s coming to GTA Online with the 2022 Summer Update, (Then take a look at the our overview)

1: Snacks – and how they can be snacked

What has been the problem so far? No matter whether in battle against other players or the outrageously accurate NPCs: In GTA Online, no one should go into battle without their pockets full of sweets and soft drinks. Because that”s the only way I can heal myself on the road; medipacks lying around are few and far between. Snacks are especially important during the tough heists, of course, but also during the regular missions.

But my goodness, what an unnecessary hassle it has been to access the life-saving food! To get access to it, I open the interaction menu, then my inventory and there the snacks category. That”s at least three clicks I don”t actually have time for while half the Los Santos police force or an underage Griefer is on my rear bumper!

What will be different now? With the 2022 summer update, snacks and protective waistcoats should finally be convenient to use. This means the days of frantically clicking and scrolling through my interaction menu are numbered. No more undeserved screen deaths because I accidentally ended up in my vehicle or clothing selection. If I don”t heal quickly enough, at least it”s my own fault.

Rockstar has not yet revealed how exactly the snack selection works. But if GTA Online follows the system of Red Dead Redemption 2, I”ll be happy. Here it works via the weapon wheel, which allows me to select and use healing items. A similar system was long overdue for GTA Online.

(In GTA Online there will finally be no more awkward snacking!)
(In GTA Online there will finally be no more awkward snacking!)

2: Sales missions as CEO or President – and where I get to play them

What”s been the problem so far? I have to be honest with you guys: I hardly ever play GTA Online in public sessions now – especially on PC. Because if these lobbies aren”t plagued by cheaters and hackers, they”re at least plagued by annoying Griefer riffraff. On consoles at least I don”t have to deal with modders, but I play GTA Online on the computer alone because of the smoother mouse and keyboard controls.

But with playing in private sessions, I”ve had to do without some fun missions that were only available in public lobbies. For example, the preparation missions of the Doomsday Heist or CEO activities that bring millions into my coffers with the sale of super sports cars or weapons deliveries.

Of course, the high risk/high reward principle makes perfect sense, especially with the latter missions. After all, GTA dollars worth millions should not be earned too easily and competitive battles with other players can be a hell of a lot of fun. However, the frustration is also very great when, after hours of preparation, your own investment literally turns into rubble. No wonder many players now trick themselves into public solo sessions to avoid this.

What will be different now? In the near future, missions as CEO or club president will also be playable in invite-only and thus hopefully also in solo and friends sessions. However, it is not known whether this change will come with other limitations, whether the activities will pay out less money or be made more difficult by an increased enemy presence. Wait and see, fingers crossed.

(This error message should finally be a thing of the past in the future of GTA Online.)
(This error message should finally be a thing of the past in the future of GTA Online.)

3: Old missions – and how much I earn with them

What has been the problem so far? Even GTA Online is not immune to inflation. For example, new vehicles, real estate, weapons or other items become more expensive, but predominantly older missions and heists sometimes pay out just as much money as on day 1 of GTA Online. These activities are played correspondingly little and without temporary bonuses, it can be a challenge to find fellow players for them.

For example, the classic heist The Pacific Standard pays out a maximum of 1,250,000 GTA dollars, which must also be divided among the four different players. A new supercar from The Contract, such as the Dewbauchee Champion, costs 2,246,250 GTA dollars.

Personally, I don”t really have any money worries in GTA Online anymore thanks to the Cayo Perico Heist or other lucrative methods. Nevertheless, I always find myself having to steer clear of missions, races or heists that are quite demanding and eat up a few hours of play because they only pay out a few measly (ten) thousand GTA dollars.

What will be different now? Rockstar has announced that they are going to kick the economy of GTA Online in the butt or rather balance it a little bit. What exactly this update looks like, with which jobs I earn how much more money, remains to be seen, of course. Currently, there is talk of salaries for bodyguards, employees and MC members, as well as activities in the direction of races, opponent modes and selected Heist finales.

But the fact that Rockstar is aware of this problem and wants to address it is at least a good sign. Because in GTA Online there are really a lot of fun missions that are no longer played because they are simply longer financially profitable.

(GTA Online players now have to shell out a lot of money for fancy new cars and their upgrades. Too much to earn it in older jobs, missions and activities. Now Rockstar promises an adjustment.)
(GTA Online players now have to shell out a lot of money for fancy new cars and their upgrades. Too much to earn it in older jobs, missions and activities. Now Rockstar promises an adjustment.)

4: The Oppressor Mk2 – and how Grievers abused it

What has been the problem so far? Everyone knows them, everyone fears them: The Oppressor Mk2 is a popular Griefer toy and has a correspondingly bad reputation in the community. After all, the flying rocket motorbike is quite fast and agile and can be equipped with homing missiles and decoys. Talented pilots may have to shell out a few GTA dollars for it, but they can cause quite a bit of destruction with it.

Rockstar has already weakened the Oppressor Mk2 in the past or tried to give players more ways and means to defend themselves. For example, with Imani”s guided missile jammer from The Contract, which can only be used on a total of four cars in GTA Online. An important step, but not enough.

What will be different now? Rockstar is holding out the prospect of a nerf for the Oppressor Mk2, or rather its missiles and countermeasures. Whether this means they do less damage, hit worse or even both remains to be seen. Either way, a nerf for the pesky flying tick should make a lot of community members pretty darn happy – at least it does me.

What do you think about the promised changes that will be made with the Summer Update 2022? What balancing adjustments, improvements and new features would you like to see for GTA Online? Let me know in the comments!