GTA Trilogy Remaster vs. Original: Video shows the biggest differences

GTA TRILOGY Original vs. Definitive Edition


How well does the GTA Remaster Trilogy do compared to the original? A YouTuber provides the answer with an elaborate graphics comparison.

On 11 November 2021, GTA fans will be able to visit the virtual cities of Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas once again. On this date, Rockstar will publish the game collection with the discreetly unwieldy title Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition.

A first gameplay trailer has already revealed how the games, some of which are almost 20 years old, look in new graphic splendour:

GTA remaster and original in graphic comparison
But how much has actually changed in the remaster trilogy in direct comparison with the original? The YouTube channel (SD1ONE) now provides the answer to this question, which compares scenes from the trailer, but also official screenshots with shots of the original versions of GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas.

Just take a look at the video yourself:

What are the biggest differences?

In the video by SD1ONE it becomes clear: The remaster trilogy really does get a lot out of the now very dusty GTA classics. The following major improvements become apparent:

  • Lighting: The first thing you should notice is the improved reflections and lighting effects. The game worlds are generally brighter, while reflections in the paint of the vehicles shimmer, which is partly due to the numerous reworked light sources. And the textures themselves also look much sharper, which contributes to the overall look.
  • Character Models: All characters have stronger facial expressions and improved facial animations, but also the body and clothing itself looks much more detailed. Even the weapons that the characters hold in their hands have been tackled again.
  • Game world: Streets, buildings and billboards, but plants, trees, palm trees and leaves have been reworked by Rockstar. In general, the hustle and bustle in the game worlds seems much more lively, as there are more cars and passers-by on the road. Especially the tram from GTA 3 benefits from the remaster and no longer appears angular. The wide view has also been increased.
  • Explosions: All three games get the same explosion effects in the remaster trilogy, which at least look a tad more realistic.


The most important info about the GTA Trilogy

In our big overview we provide you with all the info on the price, the gameplay and graphical innovations, (the system requirements and more of the GTA Remaster Trilogy)

The game collection of GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas remakes will be released on November 11, 2021 for PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Xbox One.

What additional details and improvements have caught your eye or do you particularly like? Let us know in the comments!