GTA Trilogy: Reports of bugs at launch, what you can do about it


According to first player reports, GTA Trilogy will be plagued by numerous technical problems. But there are already solutions for some of them.

The wait is over and the nightmare of all parolees comes true: The GTA Remastered Trilogy has been released and finally lets you roam the streets of Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas again. So, enough rejoicing, now comes the less good news.

Apparently, bugs are also wreaking havoc in the virtual metropolises. Fortunately, if you read the user reports on Reddit, these are not game-breaking bugs. So you can play through the games and don’t have to worry about problems with saves or the like. In terms of visuals and atmosphere, however, things look different.

You can get a good impression of the new visuals in our analysis video:

This is what you have to be prepared for at the launch

The Reddit community has already taken the trouble to compile a thread with the bugs and glitches that have already been observed. We’ll list the worst ones here, and there are already initial solutions for some of them. It is very likely that a patch will be released in the near future to address these issues.

  • Disappearing fog: Yes, it sounds strange, but the absence of the ubiquitous grey veil on the horizon, especially in GTA San Andreas, has unpleasant effects. This makes the game worlds seem much smaller, so you can now see from Los Santos to the desert without any problems. Here we suspect an engine problem with the range of vision, which is simply set much too high.
  • Graphic error in the plane: Driving is cool, but flying is even cooler. But if you take to the skies too high, you’ll be confronted with some unsightly graphic errors. It looks a bit like a dragging effect that occurs around the plane. In addition, the horizon looks strangely distorted and choppy, but this may also be due to the extreme visibility mentioned above. After all, the end of the game world is back there. In this video you can see how it looks in motion:

  • Cars have no rear lights: Brake lights yes, headlights too, but apparently you still have to do without rear lights at the moment. The TÜV is not thrilled.
  • Cyberpunk San Andreas: The protagonist CJ in San Andreas seems to have made a detour into colourful Night City from time to time. In any case, he looks much more futuristic with all the shimmering colours on his body. Even if the 90s were also colourful and garish:

  • Weird animations / Defective proportions: Both CJ and Tommy Vercetti were found to have strange anomalies on their bodies. Either both boys should see a doctor as soon as possible, or the animations are still a bit faulty. You can see this particularly well in (this excerpt) or in (this example here).
  • Frame rate problems / FPS stuttering: Yes, unfortunately the performance has not been spared the start-up problems. According to many players, there are frame rate drops on all platforms, but especially on the PlayStation 5. In some cases, it is even said to drop to only about 20 FPS. A first solution, albeit only a temporary one, has already been found: The problems are said to have largely disappeared in performance mode.
  • Flawed audio compression: The voice output, which is so important in GTA, also seems to need optimisation. In a Reddit thread, numerous audiophiles deal with the analysis of the included voice files. It turned out that many of the voice samples sound significantly worse than the originals of the time.
    • Selfish faces: Here, too, one can raise the question of whether the sometimes disturbing faces of some characters are a bug or intentional. In any case, the dates in San Andreas in the future should almost be like a scary movie if you have to endure this sight:

    Oh my god… from GTATrilogy

    And what’s the good news?

    But we don’t want to end the article on such a negative note. Therefore, there is a whole slew of good news for you at the end:

    Atmosphere: Even if many Reddit users complain about bugs, many agree on one thing: The atmosphere of the re-released GTA classics is right and provides nostalgic pleasure.

    Graphics: The modernised graphics can also really inspire in their best moments. Don’t believe me? Then take a look at this image comparison and be amazed!

    What a disappointment… They can’t even rig the characters properly from GTATrilogy

    Big Smoke can still do it: Bugs, glitches, graphics – it’s all bells and whistles. What really counts is probably the funniest scene in the entire GTA series for many fans. Yes, we’re talking about good old Big Smoke and his unbridled appetite for, oh, you know:

    Big Smoke’s order in HD from GTATrilogy

    So, enough writing, we have an urgent appointment in Vice City. Finally, of course, we’re interested in your opinion: How much fun did you have in the first hours of playing GTA Trilogy, and did you encounter any bugs worth mentioning? Write us your police report in the comments!