Radio silence on GTA 6: “It’s intentional,” says ex-employee of developer Rockstar


A year since the last trailer, Rockstar remains silent about the upcoming GTA installment. A former developer now reveals what the company hopes to achieve with this.

It’s been almost exactly a year since Rockstar released the highly anticipated trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6. The hype for the game is incredible. The video has now been viewed a record-breaking 225 million times on YouTube. But since then, we’ve heard nothing from Rockstar.

For a year now, the developers have not shared any new information, trailers or images of the upcoming GTA. A former Rockstar developer has now revealed that this is probably deliberate. By intentionally withholding information, Rockstar is fueling excitementand giving free rein to the wildest fan speculation.

Why is Rockstar keeping quiet?

Mike York, who was responsible for the animations as a developer in GTA 5 and was an employee at Rockstar for seven years, recently spoke on his YouTube about the marketing strategy for GTA 6. He sees the silence of the developers as a really cool tactic of his former employer:

Withholding info creates excitement, it creates mystery, and it gets people talking about GTA 6 without the developers having to do anything. The more they say, the better it is, because the more people get restless and want to talk about it. They feel like they don’t know what’s going to happen.

They could of course just release a trailer or say: Hey, then the next trailer will come But they don’t. And that’s pure intent.

In the absence of real information, fans would use their imagination and come up with the wildest theories about what GTA 6 could offer. And that’s exactly the best marketing for the upcoming gangster sandbox. This way, the game will always be a topic of conversation for many players. According to York, this marketing strategy worked very well for GTA 5.

According to Rockstar, nothing has changed in terms of the planned release date for GTA 6 The studio plans to release the latest installment of its action game series in the second half of 2025. However, the release date will presumably be at the end of the year, during the lucrative Christmas business.

At release, GTA 6 will initially only be available for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S consoles. A PC version has not yet been publicly communicated, but is considered certain. It will presumably follow after the console release.