The trailer for GTA 6 has been recreated in GTA 5 and fans have a clear opinion


A fan remake of the first trailer reveals to many fans just how much the graphics have improved since GTA 5

GTA 6 has been the talk of the town for a week now and the first trailer for the upcoming Rockstar epic is at the center of all discussions, analyses and theories. Of course, after all, this is the first official moving image footage that fans have seen

A fan remake of this trailer is now causing astonishment in two ways. It’s not just the high quality of the video that’s causing a stir, but also a related realization.

GTA 6 looks that much better?

You can watch the trailer above. The reactions of many fans: Wow, that looks good! Some commentators below the YouTube video write things like:

  • Although it’s been 10 years, this proves that GTA V is still a great game.
  • This shows how impressive GTA 5 still is.
  • It’s amazing that this game is still graphically breathtaking today.

And then there are people who write: This illustrates just how big the leap in reality is in GTA 6. And that brings us to the second camp of reactions to the fan trailer. Because it’s not just the quality of the well-aged GTA 5 that is astonishing, but also the graphical leap in the sequel.

But a very big leap in graphics: On the day the first trailer was unveiled, you could certainly find voices on the internet saying that GTA 6 hardly looks any better than its predecessor.

The above fan remake has now led many fans to the interesting discovery that the graphical improvements are significantly greater than initially assumed. Or as they put it themselves in the comments:

  • Even with graphics mods, GTA 6 is still streets ahead of this game.
  • The graphics of GTA 5 didn’t look dated until they released the trailer for GTA 6.
  • It’s unreal that my young self thought this game was very realistic in terms of graphics back then. Now GTA 6 is almost bordering on real life in terms of graphics and looks.

After watching the above trailer and reading the article, your work here isn’t done yet. Let us know in the comments section what exactly you’re most looking forward to in GTA 6 and how many times you’ve played through the fifth installment over the past ten years. We can’t wait to see how well you know Los Santos inside out!