45% Winrate and still a Nerf is coming – League of Legends Patch 13.4 Preview


On Twitter we were given a glimpse of the next patch 13.4 in League of Legends. Some junglers will be generated and Melee Supporters will get a buff.

The lead designer of the balance team for League of Legends “Phroxzon”, has been known to share content of the next patch on Twitter ahead of time. We show you what change is coming to us in patch 13.4 on 23 February.

The Jungle will be adjusted

Probably the biggest part of the changes in the upcoming patch will be in the Jungle. Not only because there will be some direct adjustments to the Jungle, but also because a few of the strongest Junglers will be generated. So Maokai, Elise, Amumu, Udyr and Jarvan will get a nerf.

Furthermore, ranged supporters will be tackled again. After some melee supporters already received a buff in the last patch, the respective support items will now also be adjusted. Therefore, the Melee items will receive a buff and the Ranged items a nerf.

In addition to these changes, a pair of top and midlaners get buffs. Thus, Cho’Gath, Malphite, Kennen and Riven will get a buff on the toplane. For the midlane, Veigar, Ahri and Orianna get buffs.

In addition, Azir gets a nerf. Right. The champion who has a 45% winrate at U.gg and is in last place of the midlaners will be generated. The adjustment is probably aimed more at the pro scene, but is still a slap in the face for all Azir Mains.