5 League of Legends Champions in desperate need of new skins

5 League of Legends Champions who desperately need new skins

Star Guardian, Project, KDA and more. Riot Games keeps releasing new skin series, but some champions are neglected. These 5 Champions need a new skin again.

Riot Games should be very interested in releasing skins that the players want. But many fans complain about not having a good skin selection for their favourites. In the case of some champions, one can ask oneself whether they have been forgotten by the LoL developers.

Therefore we call on Riot Games to produce a new look for the following champions again.

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Kayn celebrates his anniversary on September 12, although it would be more of a sad celebration. Because the champion has been waiting for a new skin for three years. Yet there are only two skins for him. The Kayn spies have wanted a new look for a long time, especially since the last “Odyssey Kayn” did not appeal to many fans. Since the release of this skin, every other champion has received at least one new skin. But Riot Games is still taking its time in this respect. This could be due to the fact that Kayn’s appearance changes in the game itself, which is why theoretically three representations are needed for one skin. However, it is almost record-breaking that a champion has only received two skins in a span of four years.

Dr. Mundo

Dr Mundo has also been waiting for a new skin now since the end of 2018. While the jungler already has a choice of 10 skins, six of them are only purchasable through Hextech crates or limited-time offers. So while his situation cannot be compared to Kayn’s, three years without a new look is still a long time for the Doctor.


Rell came right out with her skin “Warrior Queen Rell” in LoL at the end of 2020. And that was it for her, because since then nothing more has happened in her skin collection. Rell was also seen particularly often in Pro-Play. But this argument does not seem to be enough for Riot Games to develop a new skin for the iron maiden.


Fiddlesticks currently has a total of nine skins, but the latest one is already three years old. At the moment it is not known that a new one will be added soon. Nevertheless, the Fiddlesticks players would like to see some change for the scarecrow. So the situation is not quite as critical as with other champions, since there is still a choice.


Viego was released earlier this year, along with his skin “Lunar Beast Viego”. Thus, his release is not that long ago, yet he has become very well known, especially through the Pro-Play. Viego therefore only has one skin. However, Riot Games has already thought of a solution, because a new part of the skin series “Pentakill” will soon be released, including a Viego skin. This means that Viego players have something to look forward to.