AFK players will be banned – Riot Games tightens up in LoL

‎AFK players are banned – Riot Games attracts in LoL‎

Riot has released new regulations on AFK behaviour in League of Legends. The queue ban will become the new punishment.

Riot Games has published new regulations for dealing with AFK players:in. This involves punishments for repeated inactivity during matches and a whole new type of punishment to protect the remaining players from this behaviour.

The new penalty type is said to be an increase of the queue delay. Previously, the delay was extended for repeated misbehaviour in the queue. These penalties only seem to work for a certain percentage of the community, as Riot now resorts to a queue lock. Users will receive a message if they misbehave too often and will then no longer be able to start a queue for a certain period of time – which is equivalent to an indirect ban for a certain period of time.

According to Riot Games, the new penalties are not infinite and it is not possible to sit out these requirements. To get rid of the time bans, the offenders have to play matches in League of Legends despite the delays without going AFK. Thus, the offenders are subject to probation during the matches.

Players who are on penalty level 3 should be better able to become “penalty-free” again in future. There are seven penalty levels in total. The lower the number, the less strict the conditions. In addition, more far-reaching factors such as connection problems in certain regions will be taken into account in order to make the rule violations more transparent.