AFK Update in LoL – If you play this champion, you will automatically lose LP!


Riot Games ruins the game for all Yuumi players with League of Legends update!

Riot Games is causing a stir in the game with their latest League of Legends update. After the new patch especially punishes Yuumi players, Riot Games is under criticism again.

With the AFK detection system, the development team behind League of Legends had the goal of punishing players who leave a game early. However, without any further ulterior motive, this has now led to one group of players being punished the most for doing so.

AFK update leads to LP loss of Yuumi player

When updating the AFK detection system, Riot probably didn’t have a specific character in mind. Because the new system sounds an alarm as soon as a player does not move for a longer period of time. Now, however, the entire gameplay of the supporter Yuumi revolves around hardly moving or not moving at all.

In some games, this resulted in the player being marked AFK, giving the team the choice to restart the game.

In particularly bad cases, players did not receive a reward after a scored LoL round, but were punished by the system with a “leaver penalty” or LP loss.

Riot Games has reacted to the criticism and promised to fix the bug. However, until the problem is solved, Yuumi players should move around in the game to avoid being falsely recognised by the system.