Ahris Art & Sustainability Update in LoL – What can the new look do?


Ahri’s ASU has finally received a release date and it’s already clear that our favourite fox has changed quite a bit.

For a long time, the League of Legends community has been waiting for the visual makeover of Ahri, and now the time has come. Back in early 2022, Riot had announced an art & sustainability update that would not only make Ahri’s look more modern and upscale, but also more sustainable in terms of upcoming skins and changes. But was it worth the wait?

When will the update be released?

Since 07.01 it is official: The Ahri ASU is coming on 24 January! It will not be included in the first patch of the year on 10.01, but it will finally be included in patch 13.2.

More than just a chic look

Similar to Riot’s first ASU for Caitlyn last year, the focus of the Ahri update is on modernising the champion, which includes not only superficial changes, but should also make the game smoother and as bug-free as possible.

Above all, future skins should be able to be transferred to their base model more easily. For players themselves, however, it is mainly Ahri’s appearance that changes, her abilities remain the same.

Catching features include new animations for Ahri’s nine fox tails and more detailed outfits. In addition, there is a completely new recall for her base model.

New splasharts and fancier skins

The splasharts of many classic Ahri skins are being revamped with the ASU, including the Midnight, Popstar and Foxfire Ahri skins.

But not only have the splasharts of some skins changed, the skins now look different in-game as well.

You can no longer tell that Ahri has been playable since 2011, she might as well have just been released.