Always trouble with AD-LeBlanc!


The new “broken” itembuild will be generated just before the Worlds.

LeBlanc is actually a AP-Assassin that can be used in the Midlane  With high outplay potential and burst damage shines.

Not in the current meta, however, because there it is downright abused as an AD-LeBlanc on toplane.

Statikks Shiv + LeBlanc Forever

Since implementing the new Statikks Shiv has become LeBlanc balancing hell. The item, which was originally intended for ADCs, allows players to “fire” a charged Auto Attack  that throws a Chain Lightning, similar to Volibears Passives, at nearby targets. These flashes scale, to the delight of LeBlanc, but with AP

Since then, wilder and wilder LeBlanc builds have been tested out and even unpacked at pro games.  LeBlanc seemed downright unstoppable with its monstrous Wave-Clear and Burst-Damage (and even Auto-Attack-Damage).

Thanks to Riot, however, the item has been toned down so that AP builds no longer send whole Minionwaves into the infinite reaches of the chasm with just one attack.

New build new problems

Although the problem was actually banished, -classically- Korean players made it their task to find a new Build to turn LeBlanc into a true raid boss. The quest succeeded, as she now made her glorious comeback as AD toplane LeBlanc and with it, on Riot’s red list of champions to be nerfed ahead of the Worlds 2023

Due to their high Mobility and the incredible damage caused by the item combo of Trinity ForceStatikks Shiv and Stormrazor this build also gained high interest in the Pro scene recently.

That such an (unintentionally) strong build in the Worlds  upsetting the meta is a major concern of Riot, which is why they want to AD-LeBlanc nerf.

The upcoming nerfs

According to PhreakRiot first of all the Waveclear from Statikks Shiv, which is already included in Patch 13. 18 generfed. In addition, they want to adjust the AD and Attackspeed values of LeBlanc so that a synergy with Trinity Force gets worse. In addition, their Mana is reduced and their AP Ratios of abilities are increased.