Anima Squad Event in LoL – All Missions and Skins

Anima Squad Event in LoL!

The Anima Squad universe is finally expanding with the new event. Here are the missions and rewards, as well as the skins of Jinx, Vayne and Co.

Update: After we already presented the new skins in advance, the Anima Squad event finally starts today.

At the beginning of the year, Riot Games published the first concept ideas for the Anima Squad skin series and now the time has finally come. LoL champions like Jinx, Miss Fortune or Sylas will get their own skins from the Anima Squad universe in the new Anima Squad event.

What does the Anima Squad skin series look like?

Riot Games commented on the current Anima Squad skin series as follows:

Anima Squad has everything you want in a futuristic design. It’s elegant, has high-tech equipment, exudes power and includes cute animals.

After this description of the Anima Squad skin series, anticipation was high and the community was eager to see what their favourite champions would look like with these skins.

Now that mystery has been revealed. The six champions who will receive an Anima Squad skin are Vayne (with bat look), Miss Fortune (with bunny look), Jinx (with cat look), Sylas (with wolf look) and Riven (also with bunny look). If you take a closer look at the skins, you can also see the combination of futuristic, technically advanced equipment and cute animals.

Given the popularity of Riven’s Battle Bunny skin, it should surprise no one that Riot Games wants to implement more skins of this type into the game. That Riot Games believes that these skins will also be very well received can be seen by the fact that the publisher has chosen popular champions such as Miss Fortune and Jinx, among others, for this skin series.

The Anima Squad skin series will be released on March 30, 2022 with LoL update 12.6.

Anima Squad Event Missions

The event also offers special missions in six different categories. For the milestone missions as well as the weekly victories you need the paid event pass. The other missions are free of charge.

Anima Squad Missions:

Brand Bank Missions:

Brand Bank Missions are repeatable and can be completed over the entire event period.

  • Earn 200 points for 10 Anima Squad tokens

Anima Squad Wardrobe Mission:

The wardrobe mission can only be redeemed once

  • Play 8 games with a team that has at least one Anima Squad skin or earn 2200 Mission Objective Points/Objective Points for 60 Anima Squad tokens and the Anima Squad 2022 icon

Bullet Mission:

Bullet Mission can also be completed only once

  • Get 3800 Mission Objective Points/Objective Points for 40 Anima Squad tokens and one Anima Squad orb

Milestone Missions:

Milestone missions must be completed in order.

Weekly Victory Missions:

The weekly missions all have the common task that you have to earn 1000 target points/objective points each in the given time frame.