Brand new LoL champion immediately generated – Riot Games recognises strong combination


Just days after release, Zeri is being toned down in League of Legends. The Ultimate Lightning Crash is affected by the change because of a certain Legendary Item.

A week after debuting in League of Legends, Zeri has to deal with her first nerf. Riot Games announced a micropatch for the electrifying champion on Thursday. The impact of the Ultimate (R) Chain Lightning was apparently underestimated.

Riot Games character designer “August” justified via Twitter the adjustment to Zere’s Ultimate due to its strong combination with Legendary Item Runaan’s Hurricane. “It looked very strong,” August writes. Specifically, the Chain Lightning effect that comes with the Ultimate is no longer an on-hit effect.

This nerf significantly weakens the impact of Runaan’s Hurricane. Zeri could previously hit multiple targets in one area with this combination without having to aim. Some players relied on this variant with Zeri on the bot lane. Until the nerf, Zeri had a win rate of just under 52 per cent.

The new champion came to the League of Legends live servers last week with patch 12.2. Runaan’s Hurricane has been one of the most common items to deal massive damage since the release of the AD Carry.