Crass show of force by G2


Once again, G2 and Excel Esports clashed in the final of the LEC Summer Split. While G2 had their eyes on the second split championship of the year, Excel was out for revenge

Already in the first round of the Summer Split Playoffs, G2 Esports and Excel Esports clashed. Both teams played an open battle, which was only decided in the fifth round. In this round, record champion G2 kept the upper hand and finally defeated the competition 3:2.

Excels’ desire to take revenge in a possible final was correspondingly great. In fact, the English eSports organisation FNATIC, who had previously defeated Team Heretics 3:1, managed to beat them by the same score and thus meet G2 Esports once again.

G2 can’t be stopped!

But the planned revenge came to nothing in the end. In contrast to the first round of the playoffs, G2 seemed to have improved considerably and did not give Excel’s competitors a chance. With three perfect drafts and three first-class performances, G2 secured a split championship in the LEC and previously the EU LCS for the eleventh time.

Now the top six teams in the league will meet in the Season Finals. G2 is seeded due to the two splits won in winter and summer, as are the MAD Lions, who won the spring split. In addition, Team BDS, Excel, FNATIC and SK Gaming have qualified for the finals on the basis of the Championship Points they have collected.

This will now decide which four teams will compete in the League of Legends World Championship in Korea at the end of the year.