Dr. Mundo rework comes in patch 11.12 – This is how the champion changes

League of Legends Mundo Rework Patch 11.12

The Dr. Mundo rework is finally on its way to the PBE server and will also be playable in the Summoner’s Rift with patch 11.12 in a few weeks.

In addition to a visual overhaul, Dr. Mundo also receives some changes to his kit. However, most of his abilities remain very similar and should look familiar to LoL players. The focus will still be on him having a large HP pool and making use of it. The rework will be given to Dr. Mundo mainly to be visually adjusted and a bit spruced up. His kit should also be modernised at the end and fit better into the game as a whole.

Q – Infected Bonesaw

Dr. Mundo casts an infected bonesaw that deals magic damage and slows the first enemy hit depending on their current life.

W – Heart Zapper

Dr. Mundo electrocutes himself, deals sustained magic damage to nearby enemies, and saves some of the damage by converting it to grey health and taking it over. After the ability expires, it deals magic damage again to nearby enemies and heals itself for the grey health if an enemy was previously hit. If only Minions or monsters are hit with it, this healing is reduced. Dr. Mundo can end the skill early by activating his W again.

E – Blunt Force Trauma

Passive: Dr. Mundo gets additional Attack Damage that scales with missing life and is accordingly higher the less life he has.

Active: Dr. Mundo throws his medical bag against an opponent and causes Attack Damage depending on the missing life. If the opponent dies as a result, he is flung backwards and again deals part of the damage of the ability to all hit opponents.

R – Maximum Dosage

Dr. Mundo pumps himself full of chemicals and immediately heals for a portion of his missing life. He then heals himself for a portion of his maximum life over a longer period of time, gaining extra running speed and bonus Attack Damage
