Finally, the rell rework is coming! Riot brings changes to the PBE


Often you don’t see Rell in the Summoner’s gear. With the midscope update, the supporter should get a new coat of paint and finally find his way back into the game

Rell’s pick rate in League of Legends leaves a lot to be desired. For a long time, the Supporter was almost not seen at all in the Summoner’s Rift. With a thorough midscope update, Riot now wants to change that.

Rell update with patch 13.11

Riot Games Design Manager Stephen Auker recently released the news many support players have been waiting a long time for: Rell is finally getting her midscope update.

The changes should already be playable on the PBE starting this week and are expected to come to the regular servers with Patch 13.11 on June 1 

Rell – Update – These are the changes

As Rell has not been very popular for a while now, Riot feels it has a responsibility to give the Champion

 to give him a new coat of paint.

While the exact changes have not yet been released, we still know in advance roughly what Riot has planned for Rell.

In a blog post from March Auker already described the focus of the Rell update:

  • non-mounted form to become more versatile.
  • more ways to be useful on the lane (besides the W skill).
  • complete new E-capability

Auker says the update should give the champion more options without fundamentally changing it

The community is excited about the announcement and seems happy that support is finally getting some attention.