First info on LoL Patch 13.1 – Yuumi Nerfs and Jax Mid-Scope Update


The new League of Legends Season is starting soon and we took a look at what changes are coming with patch 13.1

2023 has just started and with the new year, the new Season is also just around the corner. In the first update of this year, Patch 13.1, we can expect nerfs for Bruiser, Tanks and also Yuumi will be generated again before her final rework. In addition, Jax will finally get his mid-scope update.

When is Patch 13.1 coming?

The League of Legends patch 13.1 is expected to be released on 10 January 2023.

The first major patch of the year will go live first on Oceanic servers at 10am (AEDT), and on European servers at 5am (GMT).

Matchmaking queues will be taken offline 3 hours before the patch starts, and LoL will likely be unplayable for a few hours during the update.

What to expect with LoL Patch 13.1

What changes the new update will bring, game designer Phlox published on his Twitter account.

Jax gets better at close combat and weaker in duels

After a mid-scope update for Jax was already announced at the end of 2022, it is now coming to the servers with patch 13.1. Riot August”s lead champion designer already published the planned changes on Twitter at the beginning of December.

Jax Passive and W shall not be adjusted. However, the AP Ratio of his Q shall be removed and his E and Ulitmate shall also be adjusted.

His E shall do 55-155 physical damage (+50% AD bonus) instead of 55-175 + 4% of his maximum health (+100% AP) magic damage in the future. And the bonus damage per dodged attack will be changed from 20% of the total damage to 2% of the base damage.

The passive of R will be reduced from 100/140/180 (+70% AP) to 100-150 (+60% AP), and new VFX and SFX are to be added. In addition, a new active ability will be added. Jax swings his lantern and deals 150-350 (+100%AP) magic damage to nearby enemies. When he hits a champion, he gains 10-40 (+0.1 bonus AD) armour and magic resistance, plus 14-22 (+0.1 bonus AD) for each champion he hits during the next 8 seconds. During this time, passive ability damage is applied for every other attack instead of every third attack.

Thanks to these changes, Jax becomes more effective in melee and as a Brawler in teamfights, but is no longer as strong in one-on-one duels.

Weakens the cat!

Our all-time favourite cat in the Rift gets another nerf before her big rework. Yuumi”s ban rate is apparently still too high, which is why she is being made weaker once again.

Similarly, the Top Laner

 Aatrox, who had one of the highest pick and ban rates in Pro Play 2022. He too gets a nerf in patch 13.1.

Also Riot”s problem child Zeri will be generated after she is currently relatively strong again, just like Rammus who has the Jungle

 currently dominates. Otherwise it hits other top laners like K”Sante, Dr. Mundo, Fiora and Mordekaiser. In addition, the rune “Legend: Toughness” is made weaker.

Strengthens the Clown!

AD Shaco is buffed and beside him also Lissandra, Sion and Jayce get better stats. But not only champions are affected, also the items Axiom Bow, Staff of Ages, Horizon Focus and Nearing Winter will be buffeted in patch 13.1.

Hug of the Seraph will be adjusted and Jak”Sho should become less effective on Bruisers.