Flash Combo – The trick of the LoL pros to copy

‎Flash Combo – The trick of the LoL professionals to imitate‎

The summoner spell Flash is often used in League of Legends to escape from dangerous situations. But it can also be used aggressively. We show you how and on which champions you can copy the lightning-like attacks of the pros.

The summoner spell Flash can be found in every League of Legends round and is extremely versatile. However, the Flash combo allows you to perform a quick attack that few players:inside expect. Instead, it is combined with one or more abilities of the respective champion, whereby high damage can be inflicted on the opponent in a short time.

Because the flash is an extremely fast spell, it is extremely difficult to dodge the following skill shot. Thus, the flash combo is a strong game mechanic that is difficult to escape.

On which champions the trick is used

While the flash combo is generally possible on any champion, the spell does result in additional interactions with some abilities. For example, the hit boxes of some skills are extended or the time in which the projectile of a skill flies is reduced. If you flash with Shen while he is triggering his E-skill, “Shadowfall”, the range of this skill is increased by a lot. But flashing before using a spell can also work well.

If you want to surprise the opponent with Ahri’s ability “Charm”, the flash can be triggered beforehand. This way, the ability reaches the opponent faster and minions that would otherwise intercept “Charm” can also be bypassed.

How the pros use it

The Flash combo can be used in a variety of ways, which the professional players:inside have already polished. One particularly fancy version was even named after its inventor “inSec”, a former pro. He popularised the “inSec Kick”, in which he, as Lee Sin, hurls an opponent into his own team with a flash-ulti combination. This allowed champions to be killed quickly and easily.

The Flash combo with Orianna’s ultimate ability, also comes from Pro-Play. This trick greatly reduces the time in which opponents can react, as it means Orianna’s ball does not have to be placed beforehand, making this mechanic increasingly unpredictable.

How to learn the combo

However, you should learn the simpler combinations first before moving on to the more complex ones. The practice area in League of Legends is particularly well suited for this. If you turn off the cooldowns here, you can practise on the training dummies without any problems until you succeed with the trick in the normal game.