From Ahri to Viktor – Free Champion Rotation in League of Legends


The Champion Rotation in League of Legends changes weekly and always brings a breath of fresh air with free playable characters. Especially for newcomers with a bit of experience, there are a few interesting possibilities.

15 Champions in League of Legends are freely playable in the weekly rotation. Normally, these would have to be unlocked with Blue Essence or bought via Riot Points. These include champs with a wide variety of difficulty levels and roles.

Free Champion Rotation from 18 May to 25 May

  • Ahri
  • Corki
  • Darius
  • Ekko
  • Elise
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Cooking
  • Graves
  • Karma
  • Nami
  • Rammus
  • Ryze
  • Twitch
  • Vayne
  • Viktor

From level 11 in the game, the Free Champion Rotation in LoL is available to everyone. Accordingly, newcomers must first invest a little more time in order to be able to use the rotation. Every Tuesday, the rotation changes and offers other champions to choose from. For these, however, there is a separate list of free champions to choose from in the meantime.

The MOBA from Riot Games currently includes 155 champions. This means that almost 10 per cent of the currently playable characters are in the free rotation. These are suitable for a wide variety of roles: Top-Lane, Mid-Lane, Bot-Lane as well as Supporter and Jungle. Especially for beginners or slightly advanced players, a few free champs are important to try them out in solo matches and to get a better impression.