Future deaf feature gives huge advantage in League of Legends


Riot Games is testing a new setting for the deaf in League of Legends. However, this one gives advantages to all players

Riot Games is currently testing a new feature on the PBE test server to support deaf players and improve their gaming experience. But it’s not just deaf people who will benefit from the new setting in League of Legends.

What’s next?

Music, voices, and sounds not only add to the ambiance in League of Legends, but can drastically change the gaming experience. Important sounds like the pings or the sound effects of abilities on opposing players are valuable information that can be game-changing.

Riot Games is currently working on a setting that will ensure important sounds are visually highlighted and displayed in the kill feed. As long as a team has a view of the opponent, important sounds will now be additionally displayed at the edge of the screen.

What is the advantage of this feature?

This setting has a massive impact on the gameplay. Most people know the chaos of being in a heated combat situation or a big team fight and trying to keep track of what’s going on.

Deaf players are clearly supported with the new feature. However, players who are interested in taking every advantage should also keep this setting in mind. Because the advantage is clear. The setting provides more and better information, so players can better adjust to opposing abilities as a consequence.