Game Changers by Riot Games – How women should be promoted in LoL esports

Game Changers by Riot Games

With its new Game Changers programme, developer Riot Games is also focusing on the advancement of women in League of Legends esports.

Riot Games is working with the North American Esports community to create a more diverse and inclusive system in League of Legends. As part of the LCS, a new support programme will begin to help high-Elo women make their way into the professional leagues.

The “LCS Game Changers” event is designed to facilitate the path of ten talented women into the esports scene and combines professional training sessions with a scouting process. With the help of the project, two teams are created, which are coached by LCS coaches during the process. In addition to regular training, the online support programme covers various areas of further education, such as game analysis and the promotion of mental resilience.

During the 14 days, the ten selected female players will have the opportunity to get to know the processes of professional sport and to establish contacts within the scene. The aim is to provide the women with the basic expertise for LoL esports.

Positive sign during court hearings on sexism lawsuits
Similar to Activision Blizzard, Riot Games has been struggling with sexism allegations and an ongoing lawsuit regarding employee:ins. Earlier this year, the Game Changers Circuit was introduced for VALORANT, which featured exclusively female teams. Riot is countering the allegations with announcements and support programmes and is promoting women, who are still underrepresented in the entire esports scene.

The event will start on 27 September and, contrary to expectations, will not be publicly broadcast.  This will protect the privacy of the female players so that the young talents can fully concentrate on their development in pro-play.